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For a moment, Annie couldn't move a muscle. The sight before her very eyes, well, surprised the shit out of her to say the least. So much so that she couldn't even find anything to say.

Standing just a few feet away was all of Mikasa's friends from the Sliver Corps; Armin, Sasha, Connie, Jean and Eren. Ymir and Historia were also with them. They were standing across from Zeke, Bert and Reiner. They seemed to be in some sort of argument; Eren was at the head of it all, yelling at Zeke while the blonde man only stood there, not looking fazed by any of it. Reiner and Bert stood on both sides of him, ready to move if any of them were to try anything.

"Stop stalling, dog! Answer my damn question!" Eren yelled at Zeke, his face red with anger. The blonde didn't even flinch at his furious tone.

"I already did; she's sleeping. She's had a hard few days. She needs it."

"How do I know you aren't lying?" The brunette growled. It wasn't until he raised his hand that Annie noticed he had a knife. "You could be torturing her for all we know!"

Zeke just shook his head. "We aren't. Trust me, we wouldn't lay a hand on her."

"What's doing on here?" Annie finally announced her presence. They all turned their heads.

"Annie!" Historia beamed joyfully. Ymir turned and gave her wide eyes, but it soon turned into a smile. Armin, Connie, Sasha and Jean all looked surprised, yet all were extremely relived.

But Eren......was furious.

"You" he snarled darkly.

Then, before the blonde knew it, Eren rushed over and used his elbow to slam her against a nearby tree. She yelped in surprise, a whack of pain shooting through her left side. Guess the medicine Zeke gave her for her wound worked too well; she had nearly forgotten it was there.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" Eren screamed at her face. He then lifted the knife and held it extremely close to Annie's neck.

"What the hell, Eren?!" Ymir exclaimed. "Let her go!"

"LET HER GO?! Are you fucking serious?!" Eren's face was burning red, looking as if steam was blowing out of his ears. "After everything she's done, you expect me to just let her go?!! FUCK THAT!!"

"Relax, kid!" Reiner slowly walked up to him. "Annie just recovered from an injury. She doesn't need you making it worse."

"Like I'll listen to you, Werewolf!" Eren growled.

"Eren, just calm down and think for a second" Armin walked up beside Reiner. "We can do this calmly. Just put Annie down and-"

"You all can't be serious?!" The brunette looked back at Annie, who had not moved or said a word. "She's ran off and broke Mikasa's heart! MY SISTERS HEART!! And all of you are STILL taking her side?! Well FUCK YOU!!"

His angry words echoed through the trees. Everyone stood there, completely stunned, not knowing what to say next.

Eren edged his knife closer to Annie's throat. The blonde remained unmoving, not a trace of fear on her face.

"You got nothing to say, bitch?" He snarled.

Annie could faintly feel the edge of the blade against her neck. She swallowed a lump in her throat.

"Calm down and maybe I'll consider talking" she said quietly, yet just loud enough for Eren to hear. His face immediately grew redder. He suddenly raised his knife above his head, the tip pointing at her shoulder.

"Why you-"

"What's doing on here?!"

Annie and Eren turned their heads. A wave of relief came over the blonde when she saw Mikasa walk out of their tent. Her eyes were wide with shock.

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