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Annie woke up to the feeling of a hand running up and down her shoulder blade. Her eyelids slowly opened, trying to adjust to the sudden bright light which flooded her vision. A yawn escaped her lips, as she scratched the back of her ear with a finger.

"Morning, sleepyhead" she heard Mikasa's angelic voice from beside her. Once her eyes got used to the morning rays, she looked over and saw the ravenette sitting beside her, a warm smile spread across her lips. Annie let out a huff, followed by another yawn.

"What....time is it?" she asked, her voice throaty.

"Just after sunrise. It's time to get moving" Mikasa replied.

The blonde let out a groan. "Already? But.....five more minutes"

Mikasa let a chuckle escape her lips. "Come on, you lazy bum. We don't want to keep the others waiting."

The Werewolf groaned again in protest, but sat up anyways, stretching out her arms in the process.

The two walked over to the wagon, which was all loaded and ready for travel. Jean sat up at the reins again, with Ymir and Historia were already sitting in the back. Mikasa and Annie hopped into the back as well, leaning against the wooden frame.

"There you guys are" Historia looked up at them. "What took so long?"

"Annie wanted five more minutes of sleep" Mikasa said, smirking over at the blonde next to her.

"It's not my fault I love to sleep" Annie replied, trying to hide the face that her face was slightly flushed.

"Aw, that's nothing, Mikasa" Ymir joined in. "You should've seen her as a pup; you practically slept till lunch."

"Ymir!" Annie growled, her face flushing even more. This caused the brunette to cackle loudly. Mikasa giggled quietly, trying not to embarrass Annie further.

"Hey, you guys all ready?" Jean said to them, the reins ready in his hands.

"We are Jean. Let's go" the ravenette replied.

Jean nodded, as he snapped the reins causing the horses to get moving. Now that they were out of the woods, this allowed the horses to move at a quicker pace.

"So...." Ymir looked out towards the sun, which was slightly covered by light grey clouds, casting a orange-pink hue over the snowy plains. "Once we reach the rest of the Sliver Corps, what happens then?"

For a few minutes, both Mikasa and Annie didn't have anything to say.

"We....don't exactly know" the blonde replied hesitantly.

Ymir raised an eyebrow, as if what Annie had just said didn't fully process. "You guys still don't have a plan? What the hell are we doing this for then?"

"Ymir..." Historia whispered, trying to tame the brunette's temper before it flared.

"We need their help" Mikasa answered. "I hate to say it.....but we won't last long out here without them. We need food and proper shelter."

"Are you sure they'll be okay with us, Ann?" the freckled girl questioned.

The blonde Werewolf looked out at the flat landscape around them; Ymir was more so talking about Annie and herself, more so than her and Historia. She knew her concerns.

"One of their soldiers set me free because his superiors asked him to" she replied with a stern tone. "I trust them."

Mikasa looked over at Annie with a smile. She was grateful for what she said, despite not getting on some of her friends' good side. She took Annie's hand, giving it a soft squeeze as a silent thank you. Her heart fluttered when she saw her smile back.

The Soldier and the Werewolf (A Mikannie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now