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I shot up from my bed, my breathing heavy. Sweat was slowly trickling down the side of my face. My head was throbbing like crazy, my hand
immediately rubbing my temple.

I had another dream. No, saying it was just a dream was an understatement- another nightmare. About her.

Annie Leonhardt.

The name of the girl I fell in love with. The name of the girl who left me.

It has been about six months since she's left, and I still can't shake away what I'm feeling. Sadness. Loneliness. Guilt. Anger. No matter how hard I try, no matter how many people tell me to 'move on', I can't.

I never loved you.

Her words echoed in the back of my head. Whenever I would have one of these nightmares, it would always be about Annie, and her saying that she never loved me, or that she was glad that she left me. I kept on thinking that it wasn't true, it couldn't be true. I even reread Annie's letter several times just to get it in my head. But a tiny part of me always thought about it.

Annie never loved me.

"Shut up" I growled to myself.

Knowing full well that I wouldn't get back to sleep anytime soon, I stood up. Before walking outside, I snuck a brief glance at myself in the mirror. To put it simply, I looked as if I hadn't slept in months, the bags under my eyes heavy and dark. My black hair was now just resting on my shoulders. I hadn't even realized it had grown at all.

Sighing, a quietly walked outside. The cold air hit my body suddenly, a shiver traveling down my spine. I should be used to this by now, the sudden chill. I looked over at the horizon and saw the sun just barely peaking over the mountains. Good, it was almost morning.

Later today, myself along with a battalion of Sliver Corps soldiers will be heading just a few miles outside our camp. Because of some spies, we now know that Queen Elvira, leader of the Werewolves, will be passing by around the early afternoon. That's when we plan to end all this, for good.

That is, if our ambush works.

I sigh heavily again, looking up towards the sky. It was going be a clear morning, for now at least. That never lasts long here.

"Hey, Mikasa" I heard a voice behind me. I quickly turned around and saw Ymir standing there, giving me a kind yet concerned smile. It's been a while since she was ambushed, yet I still haven't gotten used to the scar across her right cheek. The attack left her with many scars, actually. Some of the wounds were actually still healing.

"Oh.....hey, Ymir" I said quietly, clearing my throat afterwards. It was absurdly dry.

"Whatcha doing out here?" she asked.

"Just.....thinking" I replied simply. I wasn't in the out most mood to talk.

I heard the brunette 'hmm' behind me. She then moved up beside me and looked towards the sky.

"Had another nightmare, I'm guessing?" she asked me again.

I slowly nodded. I didn't say anything.

The Soldier and the Werewolf (A Mikannie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now