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Six Days Later...

It had been years since Mikasa Ackerman has felt a warm breeze whip past her face. She had almost forgotten how good it felt, the fresh air instantly making her feel better. The wagon she was on bumped and bounced on a large rock, as several Sliver Corps soldiers followed behind.

After leaving their camp in the woods, the Corps made their way to the West, hoping to be able to speak with the leader of the Dragon clan. Erwin had told them that if he manages to explain to them their current position, the Dragons may help them win the war. He just has to convince them first.


The ravenette smiled and looked back. Annie was sleeping against the wooden floor of the wagon. The blonde muttered "whoosh" once again, Mikasa giggling quietly. She had learned that during all their time together, Annie had a habit of sleep talking. She would always say the same thing, but Mikasa found it cute every single time she said it.

"Psst.....Annie" she lightly nudged the sleeping girl, who immediately groaned in protest.

"Nghhh.....go away....."

"Come on, lazy bum. You've been sleeping for four hours."

"Hmmm.....one more...."

Mikasa nudged her again, another groan in protest. Eventually, the tapping got annoying and Annie sat up, rubbing her eyes.

"Good afternoon, sleeping beauty" the ravenette joked. Annie stretched out her arms.

"This temperature change is annoying" she grumbled. "It's so warm and humid. How do you live in places like this?"

"Technically we don't live here. The dragons do. But I could ask you the same thing" Mikasa replied, leaning her head on top of the blonde's shoulder. Annie sighed, her muscles relaxing.

"But you have to admit; it is pretty out here" the ravenette continued. Annie looked out at the environment around them; the ground was covered in rich green grass, so long that it reached up to a person's knees. Around them were dozens and dozens of mountains and hills. The sky was a light blue, cluttered with white clouds. But Annie couldn't mistake the smell of fire and ash, and the smoke rising from some of the mountains.

"Yeah. I guess it is" she replied.

Mikasa frowned slightly; she looked and noticed that the blonde's fingers were tapping rapidly against her own thigh.

"You're nervous."

"..Wha?" Annie looked at her confused. "No....I'm not..."

"You're always figity when you're nervous. Like you are now" Mikasa pointed at her fingers, which were still tapping without the blonde even realizing it.

Annie sighed again. ".....It's this whole thing; seeing the Dragons, being here in the first place. I don't know, I just.....feel uneasy, I guess." She rubbed the back of her head. "You must think I'm just being paranoid."

"No, I get it" Mikasa replied. "I guess I would say I'm nervous too. I just hope they're willing to help us."

"That's not the only thing" the blonde continued. "It's the Dragons in general. I've never actually seen one before."

"Well, I haven't either" Mikasa smiled. "Let's see them together then. Okay?" She took her hand, their hands firmly intertwining.

Annie smiled back, her bad feeling instantly going away. "Okay."

"Good God you guys are so sappy" the voice of Ymir rang at them. Behind the two girl's sat her and Historia, along with Armin, Sasha and Connie. The three of them were sleeping, having spent the last few days traveling on foot.

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