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The Sliver Corps has been in complete disarray for the past few days. Ever since Mikasa Ackerman, along with her Werewolf companion, had fought and escaped their commander, some soldiers began to question Drago's leadership. Erwin Smith, along with his most trusted comrades, decided it was too dangerous to stay in the base any longer. They soon hatch a daring escape plan....


"Alright, that's everyone...I hope" Sasha Braus whispered, as she carefully crawled back into a wooden wagon which was filled with dozens of soldiers.

"We're clear, Moblit" Hange Zoe said, tapping her assistant on the shoulder. "Step on it."

"Yes, Hange" the dirty blonde replied as he snapped the reins, causing the horses to move forward. Behind the wagon, about four more followed, each carrying even more soldiers.

It was the dead of night. While the base was quiet, Erwin gathered all the soldiers who remained loyal to him and put them into horse-drawn wagons. He planned to get them to the edge of the border, near the west, and he would figure out what to do next there. Getting his soldiers out safely was his only concern now.

"How many soldiers do we have, Hange?" Eren asked, who was in the same wagon. Himself, along with Armin, Sasha, Connie, Captain Levi, and Erwin all sat close together, their bodies bundled up for the cold weather.

"About 10 in each wagon, so about 50 soldiers."

"That's hardly enough to call ourselves an army" Armin said, his hand on his chin. "This is hardly enough for one battalion."

"Oh boy" Connie sighed. "We're so dead, aren't we?"

"Not yet, Springer" Levi grumbled. "Losing hope already?"

"Well, no.." there was hesitance in his voice, "but would you blame me if I was?"

"Hm" Levi looked surprised by his choice of words. "I guess not."

Eren had a nervous feeling in the pit of his stomach for a while now. He kept on thinking about Mikasa, and where on earth she could possibly be.

"She's fine, Eren."

A voice brought him away from his thoughts. Armin had placed a hand on his shoulder.


"Mikasa's fine. I know she is. You don't have to be so worried" Armin said to him.

The brunette was a little taken aback from his words.

"I still can't believe you left her in the hands of a Werewolf" he suddenly snarled. "That dogs  probably handed her over by now."

"Annie wouldn't do that" the blonde shot back defensively.

"Oh, we're calling the mutt by its name now?"

"Enough, both of you" Erwin interrupted them. Both boys looked at their commander.

"Eren, it was my idea to leave Mikasa in the hands of that Werewolf. Don't pin it on your friend."

Eren grit is teeth. "I'm still questioning why the hell you would do that."

"Shut up and use your head, Yeager" Levi defended the commander. "That Werewolf saved your sister's life twice now. I was thinking you'd be more grateful than this."

"He's right" Erwin added. "Plus, Mikasa and Annie's relationship may be a standpoint of where we are now."

"What does that mean?" Eren growled.

"It may help us put an end to the war."

The soldiers all looked at him as if he was crazy.

"What?" Eren repeated. "How will-"

"For years, our clan and the Werewolves have been distant" Erwin interrupted him. "Before the war, we hardly got involved in each other's affairs. When this war began, it divided us even more. In other words, Werewolves and men have always been disconnected from one another.

"But now, almost out of the blue, I was told that a Werewolf saved one of my soldier's lives, and that in return, that soldier risked everything to keep the wolf safe. Nothing like this has happened before, at least not in a long, long time" he explained.

"And how does that help us?" Eren questioned again.

"It gives us hope that we could end this war without further bloodshed....and that maybe our kinds can coexist."

Their was silence among the soldiers in the wagon. Eren hated to admit it, but the commander was right. However, one thing still nagged at him.

"I understand, Commander" the brunette said, "but not all Werewolves are like Annie; some will do whatever it takes to kill us all. What do we do if not all of them agree to peace?"

Erwin furrowed his brows. "Not all of them will agree, or listen for that matter. But it's a gamble I'm willing to take."

"Don't let your anger cloud you, Eren" Hange said to her subordinate. "Like it did with Jean."

Eren's eyes darkened, as did Armin's, Sasha's and Connie's. Each of them tried to convince Jean to come with them, but he refused. His hatred for the Werewolves is strong, and he remains loyal to Drago and his cause.

"Commander" Armin spoke up. "I hate to ask this, but once we get to the border, what happens then?"

Erwin looked over at the blonde boy. "Once we reach the border, we'll resupply and rally our forces."

"But what about Mikasa?" Sasha asked urgently.

"Don't worry, we'll find her before we head out."

"Head out?" Connie pondered. "Head out where?"

"To the Western territories" Erwin stated. "We can no longer do this ourselves. In order for there to be peace....we need help from the Dragons."

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