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The Next Morning...

Commander Erwin walked through the camp of wounded soldiers. He looked at each person he walked by, trying to keep a strong-willed expression on his face. Beside him was two of his closest comrades; Captain Levi Ackerman, and Section Commander Hange Zoe, a woman with messy brown hair and large goggles covering her eyes. She was known among the Sliver Corps for having a oddly weird obsession with their wolf enemy, and for having conducted studies and experiments on some Werewolf prisoners they had in the past. It had been itching at her for days- others would say weeks- to go out and get another prisoner. But Erwin won't allow it.

"These are the wounded?" she asked. "But, how? There's......so many of them."

Hange was also known among the Sliver Corps as being a little bit of a jokester, and for always being super calm and collected during missions. But when surrounded by dozens and dozens of injured men and woman, her usual demeanour dropped rapidly.

"Another scouting party came back this morning" Levi addressed. "All wounded. Now, about a quarter of our army is in the infirmary. Not to mention that we're running low on doctors to treat them."

Erwin 'hmmed', placing his hand on his chin. The war was certainly favouring the Werewolves at this time. He knew that at the rate things are going, their enemy will take complete control over them eventually.

"What do those centaurs say? The ones who escaped their homeland" the blonde man asked, his mind deep in thought.

"They said they sent one of them off to gather reinforcements, but he hasn't returned yet" Hange replied.

"Probably got eaten on the way there" Levi grumbled.

"We don't know that yet, Levi" the Commander turned to face Hange. "How are those centaurs doing?"

"Fine, considering the rest of their people are enslaved" she said. "All they want to do is head out and kill some dogs."

Erwin chuckled quietly. "Don't we all?"

Levi raised an eyebrow. "What's with you today? You look like you haven't slept in a month."

Hange's eyes grew with excitement. "You know what would make you feel better, Erwin? Maybe going out and getting another prisoner...."

The tall blonde shook his head. "No. But nice try though."

Hange instantly frowned, grumbling in defeat.

"I'm just trying to humor myself, since everything else is going the way it is" Erwin explained.

He looked around at all the wounded again. Indeed, there were so many. Some of them didn't even have mats to rest on. Some of the injuries he saw weren't the worst; scapes, cuts, burns, all manageable. But some were worse, like broken bones and deep flesh wounds. There were even some of them coming in with missing limbs.

The Werewolves have improved their fighting technique, he thought. They keep hitting our weak points. Seems logical that they would though. We spent years studying them; it only seems fair that they study us.

"You losing hope, Erwin?" Levi asked, his arms crossed.

"No. Of course not."

"Commander!" a loud voice called out. Another soldier, a girl with short brown hair with the same color eyes, came rushing over to them. She gave them a strong salute.

"Yes?" he questioned.

"The High Council. They are requesting your presence in their chamber. They want you there as soon as possible" she addressed.

The Soldier and the Werewolf (A Mikannie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now