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"Wait, you're gonna do what?!"

Both human and Werewolves sat in a large circle around a campfire, a rather large pig slowly being cooked over the flames, grease slowly dripping from the sizzling skin. It was early in the morning, the sun just peaking over the horizon. What was expected to be a peaceful morning turned hectic when Annie Leonhardt addressed her plan on what is to happen next. And, let's just say, some agreed......and others didn't.

"It's the only way to end this. You and I both know that, Porco" Annie stood in the middle of the circle, her voice loud enough for everyone to hear. The people in the circle where whispering to each other, yet listened very carefully to the blondes's words.

"Yeah, but is it worth getting yourself killed?!" the orange-blonde yelled at her. He stood among the ones sitting. "Elvira is the strongest Werewolf in the North! No one has ever bested her in a fight!"

"You don't think I know that?" Annie replied, trying to stay calm. "I know what's she's capable of. That's why I have to do this."

"Zeke, you can't possibly agree with this!" Porco turned towards the bearded man, who was scratching his chin. The camp suddenly went silent, waiting for an answer from the blonde. After a few minutes, he adjusted his wire glasses before standing up, walking over to the smaller blonde.

"Porco is right; Elvira is powerful, more so than pretty much everyone in this camp. And since she has the same powers as you, it adds on to her strength" Zeke said to her. Annie felt a wave of disappointment wash over her, but kept a firm, calm face.

"But..." Zeke moved closer to her, and put a hand on her shoulder. "This land has been at war for too long. And I believe that if the opportunity to end it presents itself......we should take it" he gave her a nod.

Annie gave him a small smile of gratitude. She knew deep down that Zeke would support this choice, but to hear him say it gave her even more courage.

"Thank you, Zeke" she said to him.

"Don't thank me yet, Little Annie" he grinned at her. "You still have a challenge to win."

Annie smiled, yet every time that word came up she felt her stomach drop. She was beyond nervous, terrified even. But she couldn't let everyone else see that; if this went right, she would be leading most of the people around her. She couldn't buckle now.

"I'm coming with you" Ymir suddenly stood up, walking over to the pair. Annie's eyes went wide.

"Ymir.....you don't have to-"

"No, I don't have to. But I want to" the brunette shook her head. "C'mon, Ann. You really think I'd let you go alone? Don't think so" she smiled.

"Well, looks like I'm going too" Historia walked up next her the brunette, linking arms with her. "Because I'm not letting either of you go by yourselves" she smiled warmly at them. Ymir looked hesitant for a moment, but after getting a reassuring look from the smaller blonde, she nodded her head.

"I'm coming too" Annie heard Mikasa's voice, as the ravenette walked up beside her.

Annie immediately shook her head. "Mikasa-"

"Don't even finish that sentence" the ravenette interrupted her. "I'm going with you. I want to be there.....for whatever happens" she took the blondes hand, the feeling of her soft skin sending a shiver down the Werewolf's spine. "I'm not leaving you either, okay?"

Annie huffed through her nose. She knew, deep down, that Mikasa would jump at the chance to come with her. But another part of her wanted her to be safe, because if things didn't go her way, she wouldn't be. But she nodded.

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