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"We have a lot to talk about, Miss Ackerman" Zeke said to me, another puff of smoke exiting his mouth. I looked at him skeptically.

"What about?" I questioned.

"Well, there's a lot to mention" he repeated. "Like how in fact you and Annie get along so well."

My heart skipped a beat when he said her name. I found myself stuttering again. "I-I....uh..."

"She already told me how you guys met, if that's what you're going to say" Zeke butt in. "In fact, she told me a lot about you."

"She did?"

"Indeed. She told me how easily you managed to sweep her off her feet and steal her heart. It's surprising really, judging by now introverted and distant Annie can be, if you know what I mean."

I swallowed, clearing my throat. "Yeah."

I heard Zeke sigh, giving me a look of some sort.

"You're still worried about her" he said. "Don't worry, she'll be alright. You'll get to talk to her in no time."

He was right about that. I was worried sick about her. But....even if she saved my life.....I was still angry at her, furious even. I know, call me selfish and heartless. But if the person you loved the most just picked up and left you for six months without telling you why, you would still be angry too.

"You're still angry with her" Zeke stated again. I looked up and him surprised. Did he read that from my face? Although I wouldn't be shocked; some of my expressions are known to be noticeable.

"She left me and has been gone for over six months" I scowled, my anger and sadness beginning to show. "I know she saved my life...again...but..." I trailed off. "That....doesn't just earn my forgiveness."

Zeke nodded, getting down to the last of his cigar. "I understand. I wouldn't just forgive her either."

"I'm grateful for what she did. I really, really am. But...."

"But she needs to say something. Something to make you believe that she loves you, and that's she's sorry, right?"

I nodded.

Zeke uttered a small laugh, putting out his smoke by crushing it against the bed frame. "That might be hard for Little Annie. She isn't exactly a wordsmith, if you know what I mean."

I chuckled a little. He was right about that.

"-but....I think she'll make an exception for you."

I felt my cheeks heat up suddenly. Was I....blushing?

"When....will I get to talk to her?"

"I'd give her a day at least. That wound really took a toll on her" he said. "She's as tough as nails though. She'll get through it."

He polity took my now empty cup of tea from my hands. "How's your ankle?"

I looked down at it again. "Ok, I think. I...should be able to walk."

"Good. I think you should get some fresh air, time to think" he walked towards the tent's entrance. "I'll let you know when Annie's awake."

He was just about to walk away when a question popped into my head.


"Yes?" Zeke looked back.

"Umm...." I rubbed my arm uncomfortably. "Do you know....what happened to the Sliver Corps? How did the fight end?"

The Soldier and the Werewolf (A Mikannie Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن