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Ymir was gone for over 4 weeks. She returned to the Sliver Corps' camp the night of the full moon. The brunette had managed to get far into the North, but soon after she stumbled upon the outstreaks of the Werewolf camp, she was ambushed and viciously attacked by a hunting party of her fellow Werewolves. She returned to the camp beaten, bruised and bleeding, just barely being able to walk. And without Annie. Ymir said that she hadn't even gotten close before the hunting party found her. She went to bed that night covered in bandages, Historia curled up beside her. The blonde was grateful that she was okay, but it also pained her to see the brunette hurt like this.

Because of those turn of events, Commander Erwin Smith had no choice but to change the Sliver Corps' goal; he realized that they couldn't negotiate with the Werewolves peacefully, not after what happened with Ymir and Annie. So now the Corps had a new goal; to hunt down the leader of the Werewolves, take them prisoner and try to figure out peace from there.

It has now been six months since Annie Leonhardt left.

The war between men and Werewolves still wages on. The New Silver Corps- along side the Royal Guard - led by Drago Griffen, had managed to conquer even more Northern territory, slaughtering every Werewolf in their path. And by order of the High Council, they have stopped all operations to help the Satyr's who were still slaves to the Werewolf army. Their plan to conquer all of Maria was coming along slowly, but smoothly.

The Werewolves held a firm defence on what was left of their territory. Queen Elvira had sent a message to all Werewolves who were stationed in fine vast mountain ranges to join them in the fight. Now, another army of over 5000 Werewolves were coming to join the battle.

With both sides constantly struggling for power over each other, the war seems as if it will go on for eternity.

Mikasa Ackerman has changed over the course of six months. She grew distant from her friends, even from her own adoptive brother Eren. She was quiet- far more quiet than she ever has been. But the change that is most noticeable is how she fights; whenever she trains or fights, it's nothing but anger and frustration. It's like she can't even control her own movements. Mikasa has been filled with nothing but sadness, loneliness and anger after the girl she loved left. And there are no signs of her getting better anytime soon.

And as for Annie Leonhardt......her current whereabouts and condition are unknown.

Am I making this book too sad?Cause I feel like I am😅

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