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Drago sat by himself in his quarters, twiddling a dagger between his fingers. In front of him on a wooden table was a map of Maria, with several words scribbled with ink on it. He let out a sigh of frustration, staring down at the map, his head beginning to throb. He took a large sip of ale in a cup to his right. He had been sitting in front of this map for about half an hour. He was surprised he wasn't drunk yet, being on his third cup already. Then again, maybe he was.

It had been almost two weeks since the two fugitives escaped from his grasp. It frustrated the general of the Royal Guard whenever he thought about it. Several patrols of his men had been sent out to find them, but none of them had come back successful.

The traitorous bitch and her mangy mutt...., he thought to himself. Where the fuck are you?

"General Drago."

The massive man turned around to see one of his men standing near the entrance. Samuel. He had a bandage wrapped around his leg, his face red from the cold.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Drago growled.

A clear expression of fear was evident on Samuel's face. "We encountered the two fugitives, sir. But they got away."

The soldier saw his superior's fist ball up, which frightened him even more. Drago sat up.

"They...... got away?" he snarled quietly. "How the fuck did that happen?"

"K-Kirstein betrayed us, sir" Samuel continued. "They took the wagon and ran. They captured Rick as well-"

Before Samuel could even finish his sentence, he felt a large mass hit the side of his neck. Then the world around him went dark and he couldn't breathe. Drago had snapped his neck leg a twig; he was dead before he even knew what happened. His body lay lifeless on the ground.

"A-Am I interrupting, General?" A new trembling voice asked. Another guard had appeared at the door, his hands shaking while saluting.

"What is it?" Drago snapped.

"The H-High Council is requesting your presence, sir. Immediately."

Taking in a deep breath, Drago huffed and walked out of the tent. "Clean this up for me" he ordered the guard before making his way towards the High Council's chambers. The guards opened the large gate, and he walked over to the seven council members.

"You requested my presence, my Lords?" Drago bowed respectfully, giving them a salute.

"Yes. Thank you for coming, Drago" Snow said, his voice gruff as usual. "I must say......we're rather disappointed in you." The other council members nodded in agreement.

The General's eyes widened. "And why is that, sir?"

"Your obsession with these two fugitives needs to stop. It is interfering with our progress. Therefore I order you to halt all search parties for them" Snow addressed.

"But sir, they are still a threat to us" Drago shot back. "Let me send out another-"

"ENOUGH!" Snow slammed his fist against the table, his voice bouncing off the walls. The other members flinched a little.

"I don't want to here another word about it! The fugitives are nothing but pebbles in our advance to victory! They will be destroyed, along with the rest of those Werewolf vermin. We have to put our time and resources into the invasion. Is that clear, General?" Lensworth Snow exclaimed.

"You don't get it, my Lord" Drago replied. A few gasps escaped the other member's mouth. No one ever dared to question a High Council member's orders.

"Pardon me?"

"You don't understand" the general continued. "They aren't just fugitives. They both have a power that is a threat to us. I know you know that."

"Yes, I know what the Werewolf is capable of. We are aware of it's....abilities" Snow said. "But the other girl is nothing."

"She's an Ackerman, my Lord."

"The Ackerman bloodline is pathetic" Dominic Greyson spat. "Sure, the remaining two are strong, but they lack the full potential of their family line. Both are nothing but stepping stones in the way"

"Exactly" the head council member stared right into Drago's eyes. "So I won't say it again; forget the fugitives, focus on the task at hand. Is that clear?"

Drago grit his teeth, but slowly nodded. "Yes, my Lords."

Snow nodded. "Good. Now, back to what I wanted to discuss with you" he coughed, clearing his scruffy-sounding throat. "The troops in the South are all ready to advance. How far in are you into Werewolf territory?"

"We've almost destroyed half their defences, my Lords" Drago explained. "It's only a matter of time before we're victorious."

"Good" the white haired man smiled. "After all those dogs are gone, we'll claim their territory and forward our conquest. Soon, all of Maria will be under our control."

He looked down at Drago again. "The whole of the human rase is counting on you, Drago. Do not fail."

The tall man flashed them another salute. "Every Werewolf in Maria will die. You have my word."

"Excellent. You're dismissed, General."
The Royal Guard soldier then left the council chamber, a sadistic smile on his face.

The Western Territories of Maria- Five days Later...

Deep in the heart of the western regions of Maria, a large beast lay sleeping peacefully on a large patch of grass. This was no mere beast, however; it was one of the many dragons which lived on this land. It's large chest heaved up and down slow and steady, it's breath huffing from it's large nostrils.

Suddenly, another dragon flew down towards the sleeping one. It was much smaller than the other, it's lime green scales shining against he sun.

"Kobar" the dragon said to the other. The larger dragon huffed again, before it's large eyes finally opened.

"What is it?" the large dragon snarled, obviously annoyed that he was awoken.

"They're are people near our border, Kobar" the lime green dragon said. "They have come here to speak with you."

"Who are they?"

"They are humans, most of them anyway."

"Most of them?"

"Our scouts said that they also smelled Werewolf among them."

The large dragon looked confused. "But aren't humans and Werewolves at war?"

"They are."

The large dragon yawned loudly before getting up, stretching out his massive wings.

"Let them in" he replied. "This should be interesting..."

Sorry that this one was shorter than normal. It was kinda a filler chapter so I hope you don't mind.

Stay tuned for chapter 40!.....

And Dragons🔥🔥

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