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It had gotten darker really quickly. Mikasa was surprised that Ymir could even see anything in front of her, as her agile wolf body continued to run through the forest. She felt Historia's hands tightly on her shoulders, her eyes closed to protect them from the harsh wind whipping through their hair. The ravenette wasn't even keeping track on how long they've been running; it felt like they've been doing this forever.

Mikasa narrowed her eyes, just barely being able to see what was around her.

Wait a second.... she thought while analyzing her surroundings. I've been through here before...

Then, Ymir came to a sharp stop. Mikasa had to hold tightly onto her brown fur to keep herself upright. She then realized where they were.

Annie's cave. She remembered exactly what it looked like; a small hole cut into the side of a small hill. It looked just as it did four months ago.

Once she and Historia got off Ymir's back, the brunette shifted back to a human.

"She's in here" she pointed at the cave's entrance.

"How do you know?" Historia asked.

"She would always come here to be alone," Ymir explained. "or whenever she got upset. If she's not here, then I don't know where else."

Mikasa once again looked at the cave's entrance; her eyes caught a small glimmer of orange. A fire.

"She's here" she stated.

The ravenette started quietly moving closer to the hole. Before she walked any further, she looked back at Historia and Ymir.

"You guys should go back" Mikasa said. "I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" Ymir questioned.

Mikasa nodded. "I don't think Annie can handle more than one person right now. I don't even know if she can handle me.." she whispered the last part.

"Let's leave them be, Ymir" Historia took the taller girl's hand. "They need some alone time."

The freckled teen looked down at her, then back at Mikasa. She only nodded.

"If we're not back by tomorrow afternoon, you can come back" Mikasa said, moving closer to the entrance.

"Good luck, Ackerman" said Ymir, flashing a thumbs up, Historia giving her a small smile. She shifted back into a wolf and ran off, a small blonde girl clinging to her back. Mikasa now stood alone.

Swallowing the nervous lump she had in her throat, the black haired girl made her way into the cave. She immediately saw the wooden bed near the smooth ice walls, along with all the other things cluttered around the cave. Mikasa smiled.

It doesn't look any different....

And yet, Annie wasn't anywhere in sight. She looked around, hoping to spot the blonde somewhere. Nothing.

Suddenly, she heard a small sound. It was faint and quiet. Mikasa walked right into the center of the cave, hoping to hear the noice again. She did, and once she realized what it was, her stomach dropped.

It was a whimper.

Mikasa followed the sound, it growing louder and louder the closer she got. She followed it to the far right corner of the cave, until it finally stopped. What Mikasa saw next broke her heart.

Curled up in a ball, her knees hugged tightly to her chest, was Annie. Her head was hidden under her arms, and she was visibly trembling. She looked so vulnerable and.......scared. Mikasa never imagined that'd she'd see her like this.

The Soldier and the Werewolf (A Mikannie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now