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It had been about an hour, and the white Werewolf was still running as fast as she could though the snowy plains, a black haired girl spread across her back. Mikasa looked back for about the hundredth time; it was quiet now, and she couldn't see any soldiers on horses following them. It took the full speed of Annie to keep an even pace in front of the battalion. They did have to dodge a couple spears and arrows shot their direction, but they managed to outrun them. In other words, they were extremely lucky.

"I think we're in the clear, Annie" Mikasa tugged on her white fur.
The canine instantly slowed down, coming to a halt. She was panting heavily, her bright pink tongue sticking out as visible hot air puffed out of her mouth. Mikasa hopped off her back.

Annie turned into a human, then instantly fell to her hands and knees, her whole body trembling. Mikasa's breath hitched as she rushed to her side, and asked her what was wrong.

"I-I.....don't......feel s-so good" the blonde rasped. Her face had gone extremely pale, as if all the blood in her body suddenly disappeared. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she fainted, as her body started rolling down a hill they had inconveniently stopped by.

"Annie!" Mikasa cried, as she chased after the blonde girl whose frail body swiftly travelled along the hill. She trudged through the knee deep snow, having to regain her footing after almost slipping several times. Annie had reached the bottom, some snow on her clothes, hair and face. The black haired girl picked her up in her arms once she reached the bottom as well.

She must've exhausted herself, Mikasa thought, and suddenly felt guilty. I need to get her somewhere she can rest.

She looked around in every which way; it was like they've run into a vast dessert of snow. There were no trees, no rocks sticking out of the snow; the mountains weren't even visible due to the large mounds of white. Add in a very cold temperature, and it was a very bad spot to be in. Mikasa took a deep breath. She was shivering, due to the lack of warm clothing. She was struggling to hold Annie up. She started walking in a completely random direction, hoping by some miracle that she finds a place they could stay.

There's no way we're going to get lucky twice, she decided.

Mikasa walked up another hill, the heavy snow beginning to slosh into her boots. Her arms were shaking; for a girl her height, Annie had some weight to her. Most likely a lot of muscle. After she reached the top, her breath got caught in her throat.

It was like the Gods above had blessed them with very good fortune. Right down at the bottom of the hill, standing among tall pine trees was a cabin. It had two floors, and was made of dark wood that was beginning to rot with age. No source of light could be seen inside.

"Oh my God" Mikasa whispered to herself. "What's a place like this doing out here?"

It was in fact odd that a cabin this large was out in the middle of nowhere. And unless Werewolves decided to leave their cave homes and build cabins, no humans lived out here, at least very rarely they did. The black haired girl was puzzled.


She heard Annie groan below her. The blondes lips were slightly parted, and her skin was still as pale as the snow she walked on.

"Hold on, Annie."

Mikasa carefully made her way down the hill, once again having to regain her footing after slipping. When she got to the cabin, she quietly walked up the wooden steps to the door. Very hesitantly, she knocked.

No answer.

She knocked again, this time a little louder.


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