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It was dreadfully quiet in the middle of the woods.

I was hiding behind a patch of rock, down on my knees and my hand already on the handle of my blade. Armin was next to me on my right, and Captain Levi was on my left. We were awfully close together, bunched up so we could stay hidden.

We have been hiding in this general area of a forest for over 25 minutes. Queen Elvira and her troops would be passing by any minute now. We were all just waiting for the Commander's signal.

I glanced upward at the treeline. Sasha was perched up high up on one of the branches, her bow and arrow at the ready. How anyone could climb all the way up one of those trees was beyond me.

"How much longer, Captain?" I heard Eren's voice from behind. He was growing impatient; I could tell by his tone. I had to restrain myself from rolling my eyes at him.

Apparently, Levi also knew the tone of Eren's voice, because he immediately snarled quietly at him, his pointer finger on his lips.

"Quiet, Yeager" he commanded. "We don't have the time to be impatient right now. Werewolves have a keen sense of hearing, so any noise over a certain point will draw their attention."

He was talking so quietly that I could just barely hear him, and I was directly beside him.

"So be patient Yeager. I won't ask again" Levi finished.

I saw Eren frown, but he nodded nonetheless. "Yes sir.....I'm sorry."

Suddenly, the sound of a branch snapping jolted my senses. Everyone, myself included, ducked low behind any cover we were behind.

"Stay low" I heard Levi whisper. I looked over at the Erwin, who was hiding behind some more rocks a bit ahead of us, holding his arm up in a right-angle position, meaning to halt.
I then heard another noise. At first it sounded like a single pair of feet trudging through the snow, until one pair of feet turned into many. I look up at Sasha, who wasn't moving a muscle. She looked down at me and held up her hands. She flashed ten fingers three times. I nodded.

"Sasha counts about 30, Captain" I whispered to him.

"Dammit" he growled, frustrated. "That's a lot more than we were told."

"What do we do, Captain?" Armin asked, his hand also on his sword.

Levi didn't reply. I saw him sneak a quick glance at Erwin, as if they were talking through eyesight alone. I saw the blonde nod.

"Mikasa" he turned and faced me. "I want you, Armin, Eren, Connie and Jean to scout on ahead. We have to know if the Queen is their, along with the exact number of troops. Give us the signal when you've found out."

"Yes sir" I replied firmly.

Being as quiet as I possibly could, I pulled my hood over my head and began moving towards another section of rock, which was closer. I heard my friends directly behind me, as we slowly and silently made our way forward. I could hear all them breathing heavily; they were scared. Of course who am I kidding, I was scared too. But now wasn't the time to show fear. Too much was at stake.

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