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After another long, disappointing six days went by, the Sliver Corps were finally back to their makeshift camp in the woods.

In other words, they were right back where they left off.

Almost every soldier had retreated to their tents once they got back, wanting nothing more than to sleep and rest. Most of them had lost hope; that most was true.

Erwin, Levi and Hanji stood together in the Commander's tent. The brunette was pacing back and forth, Levi was leaning against one of the wooden frames, not really thinking or doing much, and the tall blonde sat at his desk, deep in thought.

"So have you thought of anything yet, Erwin?" Levi spoke up for the first time for several minutes. "You've been staring crosseyed at that map for a while."

Erwin didn't answer, his hand on his chin. He suddenly let out a low laugh.

"I believe your hypothesis from earlier is correct, Levi" he said.

"Eh?" Levi furrowed his brows.

"We are, in fact.....royally fucked" the Commander swore.

Levi looked at the bigger man in disbelief. "So you're telling me that for all the time we've been here, you haven't thought of anything?"

"It's not like I haven't thought of anything" Erwin folded up the map, stood up and placed it with a bunch of other books. "It's just that everything I've thought of ends with all of us being captured or killed."

"I have an idea!" Hanji suddenly exclaimed, causing the two men to jump suddenly. They saw that the brunette's face was shining, a wide grin on her face; she only looks like that when she has a good idea.

"Well, what is it four-eyes?" Levi joked.

"We......." She trailed off, "should throw a party!"


Both Levi and Erwin looked at Hanji as if she was losing her mind, but when it came to her it it wasn't too surprising.

"A....... party?" Erwin asked. "I don't think that'd be wise."

"Come on, you guys! Think about it" Hanji continued. "We just spent six days traveling all the way to the South, and then another six back here. Not to mention we came back empty handed. I think that everyone here should have some fun for at least one night."

Levi raised his eyebrows. "You...kind of have a point, shitty-glasses. Erwin?"

The Commander thought for a moment. He laughed quietly again.

"I guess everyone needs to be cheered up after all this" he pointed out. "Fine. But no booze. I don't want every soldier here on a hangover tomorrow. And put some guards in shifts outside the camp just in case."

Hanji cheered gleefully, jumping up into the air. "Thank you Erwin!" she exclaimed before practically bolting out of the tent.

"You sure this is a good idea, Erwin?" Levi asked his commander again.

"I think we all need a break from this war" the blonde said. "Let's just hope it gets everyone's spirits up."

Later that day...


The ravenette groaned when she heard a loud voice call her name. She was in the middle of a really good map, wanting nothing more than to sleep after walking for six days straight.

"Mikasa wake up!" the voice yelled again.

Mikasa groaned again, before excepting defeat and sitting up, rubbing her eyes. When her vision finally cleared, Sasha was standing at the foot of the bed, a bright smile on her face and a potato in hand.

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