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Nighttime quickly fell upon the small town of Trost. Before they knew it, the sun had fallen behind the mountains and was replaced by a crescent moon. The sky turned a dark blue and stars danced across the darkness. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky.

"Here ya go, miss" said a breaded man who ran the only sweet shop in town. "One cup of hot chocolate and a cone of chocolate ice cream."

"Thank you" Mikasa said, placing two sliver coins on the table stand. She took the cup of hot coco and the ice cream in both gloved hands.

"Seems a little chilly for ice cream, don't it, miss?" the man asked.

"It's for my friend" the black haired girl explained. "She's got good tastes but at the wrong times."

"Ah, I see" the man gave her a wide smile. "Anyway, have a good evenin'. Enjoy yer food."

"We will. Thank you" she gave the man a small wave before going over to Annie, who was sitting on a bench.

After they had grabbed supper at the town's mess hall, Ymir and Historia retreated to their room. Annie and Mikasa decided to walk around town and see what it was like.

"What took you so long?" Annie asked, sounding impatient.

"The line was long. Here." Mikasa handed the blonde her cone. Annie looked at it funny.

"What is this?"

"You've never had ice cream?"


"Well, give it a try. You'll like it."

Annie raised a brow at the sweet treat in her hand, but gave it a lick anyways. A sweet taste filled her mouth, along with a cold sensation on her tongue.

"You like?" Mikasa asked.

Annie didn't answer; she was too focused on the ice cream in front of her. Mikasa chuckled.

"Slow down. You're getting it all over your mouth" she said.

"Oh, sorry" Annie wiped the chocolatey liquid off her lips. "It's so good and sweet. What did you say this was called again?"

"Ice cream."

"Impressive. What did you get?"

"Hot chocolate. It's like what you're having, except it's a liquid and hotter."

Annie scratched her chin. "How do you guys come up with this stuff?" She licked her ice cream again. Mikasa snickered.

The pair walked side by side for a little while, finishing off their sweet treats. They admired the whole scenery of this town; despite it being close to midnight, the townspeople were quite lively. They talked, laughed; some kids were even playing a game of tag. The town's tavern was still open, the sound of people talking and drinks being poured out flowing out the doors. Mikasa loved Trost already. It was reminding her of Shingashina city.

She looked over at Annie, and noticed a rather glum expression on her face. She furrowed her brows.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

Annie caught her gaze and sighed. "What's it like to be human, Mikasa?"

"What do mean?"

"I mean...." she rubbed her arm uncomfortably. Mikasa rarely saw her be uncomfortable. "I've told you some things about where I come from. What was it like in Shingashina?"

The ravenette thought for a moment. "Well, it wouldn't be a great example of human life; Shingashina was one of the smallest cities. The streets smelled every now and then, and some of the people were rude.

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