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It was almost dark by the time the six of them made it to the cave. The secret cave, as Sasha put it, was located just on the edge of the mountain near the Sliver Corp's camp. It was much smaller than the main base, but provided a warm place for the young soldiers. Not to mention that it was a great hiding spot, since the rest of the Corps (and more importantly the Werewolves), had not idea it existed.

And to Mikasa, that was the most important thing.

After placing Quicksliver in the makeshift stables they had, Mikasa helped Annie off her steed and leaned her against the cave wall. The cloth the blonde had in her hand was now completely drenched in blood, and it wouldn't stop gushing out of the wound.

"Shit" Mikasa cursed under her breath.

"Hey, guys. How are you?"

A new person entered the cave. Armin. He looked around at his friends, and he made a face mixed with surprise and confusion.

"Uh, what's going on?" he asked.

"Armin! Where's the medical supplies?" Mikasa bolted up at her blonde friend. Armin jumped back, slightly startled.

"O-Over there" he pointed at a wooden table, which had a small box on the top of it. "Wait, what do need it for-"

He stopped when he saw Annie laying on the cave floor. The very sight of a blonde girl with just a hoodie and pants on, and with scratches and a gash in her abdomen made his eyes go even wider in surprise.

"Who are you? You're not looking too good" he said.

"She's a Werewolf, that's who she is" Jean blurted, his palm curled around the handle of his blade.

Armin's jaw dropped. "What?! What is a-"

"I'll explain everything later" Mikasa replied, rushing back over to Annie after she had grabbed the box of medical supplies. Rummaging through it, she pulled out a needle and thread, along with a roll of bandages.

"Lift your shirt up" she said to Annie.

The blonde did as she was told, rolling the end of her hoodie up, exposing the entire wound. It was much bigger than Mikasa thought it was. And it wouldn't stop bleeding.

"Oh, God" she gasped.

"It's bad, isn't it?" Annie asked, clenching her teeth together in pain.

"No, it's fine......you're going to be fine" Mikasa reassured her, but Annie could hear the hesitance in her voice.

She took hold of the small wooden coil and started unrolling some of the wool thread. Once she had enough, she grabbed the small needle and carefully put it through the tiny hole.

"This may hurt" Mikasa warned. Annie responded by digging her fingers hard into her hoodie. Taking a deep breath in, Mikasa stuck the needle through the end of the wound.

"Ah!" Annie exclaimed, trying to hold back a much louder cry. She wasn't going to start wailing in front of a bunch of humans that didn't trust her. Hated her, to put it simply. It would be a sign of weakness, even though she wasn't looking her strongest at the moment.

Mikasa had all of her attention on the gash. Her agile fingers stitched it up, the bleeding slowly going down as the thread closed the wound.

"Son of a bitch" she heard Annie grumble.

"Feeling any better?" she asked, yet her eyes never left her work.

"A little. But whatever you're doing......feels weird."

Mikasa chuckled quietly. "It's called stitches. You've never had them?"

"Never had to."

It took a few more minutes, but Mikasa finally finished patching up the wound. The bleeding had stopped, but just to be safe Mikasa placed a bandage over it. She also wrapped some around the cuts on her ankles and wrists, along with the deep scrape she had on her cheek.

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