The Misadventures of WWE 2k19

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Several new characters had been included in WWE 2k19, and some of them carry several surprises for everyone. People who have the same surname as the ones who arrived earlier, people who may be related to the otherworldly, these are the kinds of people who are going to be interacting with our beloved friends. So, let's get this thing going!

{Location: Wrestling Venue's Lobby, San Nicolás de los Garza...} ("On the Hunt-Gloomy Manor") [Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon]

Shadow Stephanie: I heard we're getting new people today.

Carmella: Newcomers, eh? Oh well, we will show them how are things here.

Charlotte: Let me guess. You're going to order them to bow before you, Carmella?

Carmella: I'm a princess, I have to show them who I am.

Natalya: You remind me of someone, Mella.

Carmella: Huh?

Natalya: I think I can compare you with the Dark Lord persona of Shadow Stephanie, or even with Lilly.

Shadow Stephanie: I don't think that Mella has to be like my Dark Lord persona.

???: She's right, I can be worse than her.

("The Dark Lord's Theme") [Miitopia]

Shadow Stephanie: Wait a minute... How is possible that I'm seeing my Dark Lord self?!

Dark Lord Shadow Stephanie: We are the same person. But your daddy decided to make me a separate person in the game. So, this is how I can be separated from you.

Shadow Stephanie: So, this is the same that happens with Lilly and Demonic Lilly?

Dark Lord Shadow Stephanie: Yes, kind of. The only difference between them and us is that we're the same person, they are different from each other.

Carmella: Interesting...

Dark Lord Shadow Stephanie: Also, I have my own version of the Pretty Mean Sisters. I will introduce them on a later moment. Until next time. (She goes away)

???: Are you two sisters?

Dark Lord Shadow Stephanie: We're not sisters, I'm just her alter ego.

???: Ok.

Dark Lord Shadow Stephanie: Also, are you obsessed with Twitter? Because there is no other reason to be dressed like this.

???: I'm not obsessed with Twitter. I'm the Queen of Twitter!

Dark Lord Shadow Stephanie: Ok then. (The Dark Lord goes away)

("Stage: Karkaton Ascent") [Miitopia]

Shadow Stephanie: Another queen...?

Carmella: We all know she's addicted to Twitter.

Twitter Queen: Wow, the Princess of Staten Island! Alongside the Smackdown Queen!

Natalya: You didn't have to show her who you were, she already knows.

Carmella: Better for me.

Shadow Stephanie: I will call her Twitter-Chan.

???: {I must feed...} (A dark being bites someone in the neck)


Luna: Are you ok, Lily?

Lily the Mechanic: How am I supposed to be fine when I'm being drained by a vampire?

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