Chapter 72:

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Friday. 14 July 2017.

My alarm clock blares, and I roll over and hit it off. I groan a little, still tired but my excitement wakes me up. I sit up in the bed and rub my eyes then look over at Mitch who was in the bed next to mine. He was stretching, also woken up by that alarm.

He turns to me and smile, "Shit man" he says, "You're getting married today!"

I chuckle and throw a pillow at him. It hits him and he dramatically falls backwards, causing me to laugh.

"How many people are coming tonight?" he asks, sitting back up and dangling his legs over the side of the bed.

"I'm not sure exactly. Nikki knows all that shit. I think I had a little over a hundred people that I wanted to invite" I tell him and stand up, stretching my arms over my head.

"Fuck" he says, shaking his head, "Over a hundred? Just from you!"

"I don't know if they are all going to come or not though" I say, shrugging and I walk to the bathroom and turn on the shower.

I take a longer shower than usual, soaping up my body three times and washing my hair two times. I wanted to make sure I smelled really good today.

I step out of the shower and after drying off, I wrap the towel around my waist. I go to the sink and brush my teeth. I walk out of the bathroom and go to my suitcase, which had been brought to the hotel room while we were at the rehearsal.

I dig around for some clean clothes and pull out some shorts and a tee shirt. I pull on some clean underwear, then the shorts, then the shirt.

I walk back over to the beds and I lay back down on mine and I pick up my phone and look at the time. It was 10:30am.

"You're not going to start getting dressed or your hair or anything?" asks Mitch standing up from his bed.

I shake my head, "I was about to text the hair stylist to come to my room and do my hair" I explain to him and he nods before walking off to the bathroom and starting the shower too.

As I told him I text Louise, the hair stylist from One Direction. I figured I'd invite her to the wedding if she did my hair for me. Which of course she agreed to.

New Text Message to: Lou
Me: Good morning! I just got out of the shower and used that shampoo you told me to! So my hair is now wet and ready for it to be styled. 🙃
Lou: Alright, I'll be right there.

True to her word, no more than five minutes later, she was knocking on my door. I quickly walk and open it and smile at her. She had a bag in her hand and she held her arms out. I wrapped her in a tight hug. I haven't seen her for a while.

"Harry" she says happily as she squeezes me back, "So good to see you, love!"

I pull away from the hug and hold the door open wide enough so she could come in, "It's great to see you too. I've missed you the most" I say with a chuckle.

She laughs and rolls her eyes, immediately setting her stuff down on the counter and taking things out and organizing herself.

She stops lifting her head up and looking at me through the mirror in front of her, "Who's in the shower?" she asks, hearing the water.

I chuckle, "My best man, Mitch. He plays guitar in my band and he's an absolute legend. I'm excited for you to meet him" I tell her and she looks at me a little skeptically but smiles.

"I'm happy to meet him too" she says, going back to the hair products and tools, "I love your album by the way."

I chuckle and lean against the wall, watching her set herself up, "Thanks. I had you in mind the whole time" I joke.

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