Chapter 62:

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I wake up and look at the time. It was 8:30. I didn't have much time to get ready to go to coffee but I went fast.

I took a shower, got dressed and ran out to the car. I drove to The C Bean and I got there five til nine.

New Text Message to Townes:
Me: Morning! I'm here!
Townes: Okay, I'm running a little bit late but I should be there in 5-10 mins! Sorry!!
Me: No rush. I'll be inside.

I get out of my car and go inside. I decide to order some coffee now while I wait for her.

I get in line and wait. There were four or five people ahead of me and people were filling in behind me.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around and there she was. She looked cute today. I smile, "Hey" I say and we hug each other, "That was quick!"

She smiles as we pull out of the hug, "Yeah I guess i was faster that I thought I'd be" she says with a laugh and stands next to me.

We catch up with some small talk as we wait in line until we get to the register. We both order some coffee and I pay for us.

We find a seat in the back corner and sit across from each other, "So did you finish your album?" she asks me, sipping her hot coffee.

I shrug, "Kind of. We are taking a bit of a break from it. We got the basics of everything but we just need to do some finishing touches of a few songs" I explain, "Then I should be done."

"When can I expect to buy it?" she asks with a smile, looking at me with her big eyes.

I shrug, "Not too sure on that one either, love" I say with a laugh and her eyebrows lift when I say 'love'. I shake my head, "Sorry not like that! I think that's a British thing" I explain and she slowly nods, taking another sip of coffee.

It was a British thing but I usually don't say it unless I'm talking to fans (it makes them happy) or to someone I actually love. It was force of habit I guess.

I push my chair out, standing up, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I tell her and she nods.

I walk to the bathroom to pee and avoid awkwardness. I'm washing my hands when someone notices me, "Harry?" he says.

I look up in the mirror and my mouth drops open but I quickly close it. It was one of Nikki's guitarist. I think his name was Conner but I wasn't sure.

"Uh yeah" I say, turning off the water and shake my hands in the sink, "What was your name again?"

"Conner" he says and I nod.

"Yeah I thought so" I tell him and he smiles.

I look down at his shirt and notice it looked familiar. Then I realize that it was mine and my breath hitches. Nikki must've given it to him. I can tell by the way he is looking, he feels awkward.

"How're you?" he asks, trying to make small talk.

"I'm alright..." I say, not knowing what else to say. I know what I want to ask him. I want to just ask, "How's Nikki doing?" But I know doing so would make me seem desperate and he'd know I miss her and think about her.

"She's doing good, she feels fine actually" he says and I swallow hard. Did I say that out loud?!

I nod slowly, "That's, umm, great" I say at a loss of words, "I should get going" I say, not feeling too good.

He nods, "Yeah, I have to pee" he says with a laugh, "See ya around" he tells me and I nod.

I walk out of the bathroom, realizing my hands are still wet because I didn't dry them. I rub them on my pants and walk back to the table.

I sit down, and it must be clear how uncomfortable and sick I feel right now because Townes furrows her eyebrows as she looks at me, "Are you okay?" she asks, "You look like you've seen a ghost!"

I take a deep breath, unsure of what to do but I can't stop thinking about Nikki, "I'm sorry" I say, shaking my head and stand up, "I've got to go."

She looks at me confused, "What?"

"I'm sorry."

I can't say anymore to her, I'm afraid I'm going to start crying and I can't do that in front of everyone here. I can't do that when Conner was still in the bathroom and with Townes looking at me.

I turn around and head for the door, leaving Townes sitting alone and confused. I get into my car, avoiding all the flashing cameras of the paps who showed up. They scream at me and I hear Nikki's name being shout a million times. They all ask me why we broke up. And I don't really know the answer.

I get in my car and start to drive away as fast as I can.

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