Chapter 15:

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I wake up in the morning with the girl that I love in my arms. I smile leaning over to kiss her forehead. She remains deep in sleep. I lay there for a moment, watching her beautiful-self sleep.

I get up, gently moving her off of me, making sure not to wake her up and I go into the kitchen.

I find some pans, pancake mix, eggs and some potatoes. I get right to work, making pancakes, scrambled eggs and hash browns.

"Smells good" Mack says coming into the kitchen yawning, "Is this for all of us or for Nikki?"

I shrug, "If you want some you can have some" I say, "There's plenty" I smile and she nods, walking into the living room and turning on the tv.

"Good morning" says Mack's boyfriend coming in.

"Hi" I say, "Oh, I didn't get your name" I say, holding my spatula up and pointing it at him.

"I'm Jackson" he says grinning, "Mack loves scrambled eggs" he looks over at all the food I'm making, "Don't try and steal her from me."

I chuckle and shake my head, "Don't worry, I got my own girlfriend" I brag and he nods, "Do you like scrambled eggs too? I can make you some" I offer him.

He shrugs, "Sure" before he walks into the living room with Mack.

After I finish the breakfast, I bring a plate of eggs to Mack and Jackson before making two plates with pancakes, hash browns and scrambled eggs for Nikki and me.

I make two glasses of orange juice and take those upstairs first. I set them on the night stand next to the bed before going back down for the food.

I set the plate of food down next to the drinks before rubbing her arm gently, trying to wake her up. When she doesn't wake up, I remember she is a heavy sleeper. I sigh, shaking her arm rapidly.

She groans and tries to roll over and fall back asleep. I roll her back towards me, "Nikki, babe, wake up" I say and she flutters her eyes open.

"I love you" she smiles. And I chuckle grabbing the plate and showing it to her.

"And I love you too" I say, "Now sit up so you can eat this yummy breakfast I made you" I tell her. She listens, resting her back against the bed frame and taking the plate of food from me.

"This all looks good except I don't like eggs" she says smiling softly. I shrug and take my fork, brush them onto my plate.

"Now you don't have any eggs" I say grinning. She smiles and I crawl into bed next to her and we eat our breakfast together.

She turns on the tv and we watch some cooking show. "Why cooking show if you don't cook?" I ask.

She chuckles, "I can dream, can't I?" she says smiling and eating a forkful or hash browns.
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"So where do you want to go for dinner?" I ask her and she just shrugs.

"Can we just stay here for dinner?" she asks as she cuddles into my arms.

We are sitting in the living room, watching tv with Mack and Jackson. We told them that we worked everything out last night and now we are officially together.

"Can we take a picture together?" I ask her and she giggles, blushing. I thought she'd like that since I turned her down last time.

"No!" she laughs, poking my stomach. She leans over me and grabs her phone off the coffee table and opens the camera, turning it towards us.

"Smile!" she says happily before snapping the picture of us.

(The picture attached is NOT who I imagine Nikki to be. I just really liked this picture and imagined this is would it would look like)

She pulls up the picture an I smile seeing us together in an official picture, "Post it" I say and she looks at me, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Really?" she asks, "I don't need to post this, it's okay" she says but I just shrug.

"Baby, I want the world to know that you're mine" I say kissing her cheek, "Post it."

She smiles happily and opens up Instagram but I take the phone quickly, "Before you do though, and I know you know this, but fans are mean."

She grins and smiles, "I know, I don't read comments" she says and I nod and give her the phone back. I watch as she posts the picture with a simple caption 'Him😍'.

We watch as people's likes and comments roll in. She turns off her phone and puts it back on the table before snuggling closer to me.

Soon we order pizza and it arrives. I answer the door and they girl screams seeing me, "HARRY STYLES LIVES HERE!?"

I chuckle and take the pizza, signing the check, "Who's Harry Styles?" I ask in the most American accent I can before I shut the door.

"Wow, harsh" says Mack taking the pizza and going into the living room.

"How was it harsh?" I ask her, grabbing a slice and sitting next to Nikki.

"You slammed the door in her face" she says, also grabbing a slice and already taking a bite.

Nikki and Jackson both get a piece too, quietly eating it. "I didn't slam the door in her face. I just closed it" I say chuckling. She just rolls her eyes and continues to eat her pizza.

When we finish I stand up and look down at Nikki, "I should get going" I tell her.

She frowns, "Awh" she pouts and holds out her hands to me. I think she's asking for help to stand up.

I grab her hands and pull on them but she pulls me harder and pulls me to sit back down. "Stay" she says.

I shake my head, "No, I should go sleep in my own bed tonight" I say. I'm not trying to get away from her, but I just don't want us to always be around each other. I don't want to ruin what we have.

"Then I'll sleep in your bed with you" she says laughing and kissing me.

I laugh, how can I say no to her? I grin and nod, "Sounds good to me" I say and she smiles happy that she persuaded me.

She sits in my lap facing me, her legs on either side of my body before she kisses me. I hold her butt, squeezing gently.

"Gosh, get a room" says Mack, looking at us disgusted. I chuckle and pick up Nikki and walking us up to her room.

"Got one!" I yell to Mack before kicking the door closed and tossing Nikki on the bed.

She giggles and takes off her shirt, winking and smirking at me. "You always make me want you more and more" I say before I crawl on top of her, kissing her sweet lips.

Thanks everyone for reading! I hope you enjoy it so far. If you have any plot ideas, comment and let me know. I have a main plan but I need some events to write about to advance the plot.

Also please vote and comment. So far I don't have many reads and I'd love this book to get further. It has such great plans!!

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