Chapter 32:

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I get off the plane and immediately security surrounds me and leads me to the car ready to go outside.

Outside, there are tons of paparazzi snapping pictures. I put on my sunglasses to help with the blinding lights from their camera, even thought it was night time.

I get into the car and the paparazzi try getting in front of the car to take the pictures of me through the non-tinted windshield.

I just sit in the backseat on my phone. "To your house, Mr. Styles?" asks the driver, already starting to move.

I shake my head, "No, take me to Nikki's" I tell him and he nods before getting away from the paps and speeding down the road.

I debate if I should tell Nikki I'm back and coming over. I decide against it though. What if she wasn't expecting me tonight and that guy is over?!

I try and get rid of the thought of walking in on her and some other guy but I can't help it!

She'll tell me it isn't how it looks. She'll say it meant nothing. I shake my head, I can't have this.

"Go faster please!" I say, tapping my foot. The car speeds up a little but not too much. I can't take this anymore I need to talk to her. I love this girl already so much and the fact she's just taking my heart and tossing it around makes me so angry!

We finally pull up to her apartment and seems like all the paps have left her alone. I jump out of the car, "Stay here. I'll be out in a few" I tell the driver and he nods.

I don't expect to stay here long. I just want her to tell me what's happening and tell me to my face she rather be with someone else.

I storm up to her door and knock on it hard. I wait a few minutes before I hear the locks unlocking. The door swings open and Mack is there, "Hey Harry" she says happily then notices the pure anger on my face, "Is everything okay?"

I shake my head, pushing the door open and walking past her. "Hey!" she exclaims, closing the door behind me but watching me go.

I walk into the living room. The tv was on and there was a blanket on the sofa. Must have been Mack. I walked down the hall to Nikki's room and opened the door, bracing myself to see Nikki cheating on me.

I see her in bed under the blankets. She looks ups from her phone and she seems a bit shocked. Lucky for me, and probably her too, no one besides her was in the room. "Harry" she says breathlessly.

I walk into the room and close the door behind me. I walk up to the bed right in front of her. "Hey" she says sitting up and smiling. She's good at playing it off.

"Who is he?" I ask her sternly. She laughs nervously, playing it off as if she doesn't know who I'm talking about. I hope she knows I'm not dumb.


"Stop it, Nikki!" I say through clenched teeth. She is frustrating me and I hate to get mad at her. I mean she was perfect. Well except for the fact that she has just cheated on me.

Her laughter fades as she realizes I'm being serious and this isn't a joke, "Harry, I don't know who you're talking about" she says looking a bit scared.

I scrunch my nose in anger. I can't believe she's making me look at this picture again. I grab her phone and look her name up on google.

"Is this like your lines for the movie or something?" she asks, "Did you get the part?"

I just glare at her before looking back to the phone. I find the picture pretty quickly, "Let's see if this will jog your memory."

She looks at the picture and then back at me, "What?"

From The Dining Table [H.S]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz