Chapter 11:

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I open the front door to my childhood home. I smelled the cookies baking in the oven. My mom loved baking things, and I liked to help her.

She doesn't know I'm coming, no one does, I figured it would be a great surprise. I'm really tired though from the flight. A lot of paparazzi was around and I hope my mom didn't see anything online and know I was coming.

I close the door quietly and set down my bags on the ground. I tip toe to the kitchen and see her, back towards me. She is moving the cookies from the hot pan to a cooling rack. I look over and Gemma is here too. I widen my eyes at her and put my finger to my lips.

She sees me and gasps then quickly looks away seeing my signal. "What?!" my mom asks her and Gemma looks a bit worried.

"Oh umm, nothing! I bumped my toe" she lies and my mother just shakes her head and continues.

I grin and come behind her. I grab a cookie off the rack and take a bite. She jumps, seeing my hand and she looks up at me and screams, "Harry!!"

She wraps me in a big hug and Gemma comes over, hugging me too. "Harry, love! When did you get here?! Why didn't you tell me you were coming!? Did you know he was here Gemma?!"

"Woah! Slow down there" I laugh, "These are good cookies." My mom pulls away and grabs the cookie from my hand, "These need to cool."

I chuckle and pick it up again, continuing to eat it. "Harry I missed you" she says hugging me again.

I laugh and hug her back, finishing my cookie. She pulls out of the hug and I give Gemma a hug too. "Hi baby brother" she says, ruffling my curls, "When are you cutting your hair?" she asks, rolling her eyes.

I shrug, "I like it" I say and my mom nods in agreement. I look up and see a guy standing there. His eyes are wide as he stares at me.

"Umm hi" I say chuckling and he nods and waves at me.

"Oh, Harry this is Thomas, my boyfriend. Tom, this is Harry" Gemma says pushing her new boyfriend to me.

I nod and shake his hand, "Nice to meet you. I hope she's not too annoying to you" I say with a laugh.

He chuckles and shakes his head, "Never. She's an angel."

Gemma blushes and gives him a kiss before taking two cookies, giving one to Thomas.

"So do I call you Tom or Thomas?" I ask, noticing my sister called him Tom.


I nod and look back to my mom, "I'm going to go put my bags in my room, okay?" I tell her and she nods, grabbing the cookie pan and putting it in the sink.
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We are all sat in the living room, enjoying each other's company and talking about everything that's gone on in our lives.

"So Harry, now that One Direction is on break, what are your plans?" Gemma asks, leaning into Thomas who has his arm around her.

My mom looks at me too, eager to know my plans. More like if I'm going to be staying home for a couple weeks. Which I'm not.

"I'm not too sure. I have this audition, though" I say, looking at the ground.

"Audition?! For what!" my mom asks, confused. She probably thinks I'm auditioning for some other show!!

"A movie. A big one!" I explain. I continue to tell them how Christopher Nolan is going to be directing a new movie and he wants the cast to be mainly new faces to the theaters.

"That's great, love! When is that?"

"The audition is in a month or so. It's a simple audition and then if I'm chosen, I'll go to another one and then one after that. Then they will say if I get the part or not and I'll read lines with other characters. If they still like me, I'm in!"

From The Dining Table [H.S]Where stories live. Discover now