Chapter 45:

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After we ate our dinner and didn't do much sleeping, the morning came quicker than I hoped it would.

The alarm clock beeps and I groan but Nikki rolls over to turn it off, "Good morning" she says rolling back into my arms.

"What's so good about it? You're leaving" I tell her. She presses her lips against mine and then she pulls away and frowns at me. I know she has to go but I don't want her to.

"We will see each other soon again" she says before kissing me again quickly and rolling out of bed.

I watch her get dressed and ready to go. Her flight back was early. It was 5:45am. She didn't look too tired, probably from jet lag. She should be getting sleepy just about now.

"I have to call my mom whenever it's morning in America and tell her our news" she says, putting her bag on the bed.

I sit up out of bed and point at my underwear on the floor. She picks it up and throws it at me and I put them on. "Yeah, in a few hours I'll have to do the same" I tell her.

"Did you tell your mom you were going to propose? Did anyone know?"

I shake my head but then shrug, "Only my best friend from high school knew. But that's only because he helped me pick out a ring" I say and smile. She smiles back. "Let me put on some shorts and a t shirt and I'll walk you out" I say.

She shakes her head, "No, it's okay. I'll go myself you go back to bed" she tells me, pushing on my shoulders to lay back down.

My head softly presses into the pillow and I look up at the beautiful girl above me, "Have a safe trip beautiful" I tell her.

She blushes and bites her bottom lip, "Bye babe. I love you" she says, kissing my lips passionately.

As she pulls away gently I smile, "I love you too" I say and she stands up and grabs her bag and walks to the door, "Bye love" I say.

"Bye Harry" she says, looking over her shoulder at me before walking out of the hotel room.

I flip off the light and close my eyes, falling asleep quickly because I was so tired.

- - -

A week later, Nikki and I met each other in Paris. We scheduled a small engagement photo shoot where we'd post some choice pictures online and let the world know.

We agreed on this because people were bound to find out eventually. There were already rumors spreading of a possible engagement but no one seemed to be accepting said rumors.

I sit waiting in a chair at a famous photo studio. We decided to take a few pictures with a fake background, then go out and take more with actual scenery.

I was feeling extra tired today. The past few days we've filmed all day in the water and it's absolutely exhausting. Not to mention, I have been getting agitated by little things and snapping on a few people the past few days.

I open a book app on my phone and start to read. It was a better option than social media. Social media was so draining and I didn't want to be on it much.

I hear someone walk towards me and stop in front of me. I lift my eyes slightly to see the person's shoes and I knew by the blue converse in front of me that my love had arrived.

I raise my gaze to see her face and I smile, "Hi I'm looking to meet my fiancé. Are you the photographer? Is he here yet" she says and I chuckle and stand up. She was playing the game I was playing with her last week.

"No, I'm not but I'll be your fiancé" I say and look her up and down, "You're hot."

She giggles and blushes, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me close to her. I lean down and place a gentle kiss on her lips.

She pulled me down harder so my lips were hard against hers but I pulled away quickly. She looks at me with a confused face.

I look around, wondering if anyone saw the awkward encounter we just had. No one cared.

"What's wrong?" she asks, as I stand up to normal. Her hands slide down from around my neck and stay at my chest.

I shake my head, "Nothing..." I say, trailing off.

Just in time the photographer walked into the room, "Styles!" he called.

I give Nikki a reassuring smile before stepping around her and walking towards the man.

I've met him before doing a photo shoot for One Direction but many years ago.

"Hey" I say, as I step into the room as he holds the door open.

Nikki follows close behind, saying hi too.

He closes the door behind us and then walks to both of us, shaking our hands, "I'm Benny! Nice to meet you both. I remember you Harry from years ago" he says.

I nod as he shakes my hand, "As do I" I say and he smiles.

"I'm Nikki" she says, shaking Benny's hand.

"Okay, you two, stand over there together. We will do a white background. It's elegant and very wedding-like. Then I'll flip it to green screen and in production I'll make it whatever background you want" he says as he walks and grabs a camera.

"And we are also going into the streets too?" I ask, making sure the plans were the same.

"Yes, I have a friend who will let us take pictures on their land. They have many acres of beautiful hills and trees and it's just beautiful French scene" he says, putting some SD cards in the camera and messing with the settings.

I nod and Nikki and I walk to stand in front of the white background in front of the lights.

"Harry is everything ok?" she whispers to me.

I look down at her and nod, shrugging my shoulders. I was just tired. I was happy to see her, I really was. But I wasn't in the mood for this today. I know it's the only day we could do it thought because of our dumb schedules.

- - -
"Do you guys have a different outfit to change into for the scenery?" Benny asks as he packs up his camera.

"Yeah we both have matching outfits" Nikki says and I look down at her, furrowing my eyebrows.

She smiles up at me and I shake my head, confused, "Nikki I didnt know we were supposed to bring something" I say.

She chuckles, "I know, I had my assistant get us a nice matching outfit" she says, "She asked your manager what your sizes were" she smiles at me.

"I didn't know we were matching" I tell her, confused on to why this had to be a secret.

"I mean we don't have to. I just thought it would be cute" she says, her smile fading.

I shake my head, "I just wish you would've let me know" I say and i start to walk towards the door.

"Harry, where are you going?!" she calls after me. I open the door and turn back to her, "I'm going to the car."

I see her frown as I close the door and walk down to the parking garage where a car was waiting for me.

I get in and go to the very back, opening my phone and continuing to read.

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