Chapter 25:

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I woke up and looked around the room, realizing I wasn't in my bed at home. The previous day came quickly into my memory as I recognize Nikki's room. The whole rest of the day, Nikki and I watched movies, ate popcorn and ordered pizza for dinner.

It was a great day to say the least. Sure we didn't do much but it was fun being able to just spend it cuddled with her and watching sappy romantic movies. She likes romantic movies, and to be honest, I do too. Perfect couple of the year goes to us.

I look over, seeing the beautiful girl sleeping peacefully on my arm. Her arm was thrown over my chest and her leg crossed on top of me as well. She breathed heavily, thankfully she wasn't drooling on me. She was cute and all but I don't really want drool on my arm.

I happily just laid there, admiring her sleeping. I don't think there will ever be a time where she isn't cute.

In case you're wondering, no nothing 'happened' last night with her. She had told me she doesn't want to have sex every single night we are together. She did admit she enjoyed it with me and how it was fun, but she also enjoyed just being around me. And with any other girl, I would've left. I would've broken up with them. I'm a sexual guy. I like to have sex and I like to have sex often.

But with Nikki, it was different. I didn't care if she never wanted to have sex again.

Okay, maybe I do care, but if it made her happy just spending time with me, that's all I'd want from her. I just want to make her happy. I never want to make her sad or upset.

I look at my watch on my arm, 10:37.

I was curious when she would wake up. I wanted to know what she wanted to do today. We could honestly do anything she wanted. And I really wanted to go out with her again. Maybe take her somewhere. I don't know where exactly, but just be with her and spend time with her.

My phone expectantly rings, waking her up quickly from the noise. I thought she didn't wake up easily. I made a mental note to ask her about it later. I quickly rolled over and grabbed the phone off the night stand next to me.

It was management. No doubt calling about the other night. I was actually surprised they didn't call yesterday.

I sit up and answer the phone as Nikki groans and rolls over, facing away from me and closing her eyes to try and sleep again. "Hello?"

"Mr. Harry Styles" says the woman on the other line, "How are you?"

"Alright" I say, my voice traced with sleep, "You?"

"I'm good. Mr. Franklin would like to schedule a meeting with you today" she says, getting right to the point, "Is twelve good for you?"

I shake my head, "No, I can't today" I tell her. It was true. Not only was I here at Nikki's, but I wasn't planning on leaving. That is if Nikki lets me stay.

"Okay, well he would really like to see you as soon as possible. When are you available?"

"I don't know, I'm living on a day-to-day schedule right now" I tell her, giving her a hard time, "So, why don't you give me a call tomorrow and if I'm not busy I will come in. But no promises." I tell her before hanging up. I didn't want her arguing back with me. She was just the receptionist anyways. Who is she to tell me anything.

I put the phone back on the night side table and lay back down in bed. Nikki rolls over back to me, resuming the position she held before, "Whowasthat?" she mumbled, tiredly. She sounded really tired, but it was cute.

"Management" I say, "Don't worry about it and go back to sleep, beautiful" I tell her and stroke her hair.

She looks up at me, straining her neck, "I can't anymore, I'm awake."

From The Dining Table [H.S]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum