Chapter 22:

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I don't know why I said we could change into something more comfortable, but eating ice cream: I want to be comfy!

I wait in the small living room as Nikki changed in her room. Even though I've seen her naked and I enjoyed it, she told me to wait for her out here. So, here I am, waiting.

"Hey" says Mack coming from where I'm guessing is her room. She comes around the sofa and sits down next to me, a little too close.

She's been good with keeping her cool around me. And by that I mean she doesn't act like a crazed fan or really flirty. I'm curious what she wants now.

"Hey" I say back, looking over at her, feeling awkward in my fancy suit.

"So?" she asks, raising her eyebrows, "Did you guys have fun?" she asks smiling. Oh... she wants details.


"Oh my gosh, Harry, do I have to write it across my forehead!" she exclaims, throwing her hands in the air.

"Write what? You asked if we had fun. I said yeah. What more could you want?" I ask with a slight chuckle.

"What did you do, Styles? You have to give me something," she says, sighing comically, "She ran into her room to do- I don't know what she's doing but she won't tell me anything! Tell me!" she exclaims, grabbing my shoulders and shaking them.

I laugh, getting jerked around by some girl I barely know. She's already comfortable with me and I kind of like that. I like that Nikki's friends like me and want to be my friend too.

"Maybe she isn't telling you for a reason!" I say and she stops shaking me and furrows her eyebrows.

"You're on to something. Why doesn't she want to tell me?"

I shrug. I don't know why Nikki won't tell her anything. "Why don't you ask her yourself" I say, pointing to Nikki who came out of her room and was standing behind Mack.

"Ask me what?" Nikki says and I notice that she's taken off some of her make up and she's now in jeans and a nice shirt.

"What did you two do? How was it? Is dating Harry Styles all that you ever dreamed it would be!?" Mack says quickly. The last part slipped out as she forgot I was sitting by her. She slaps her hands over her mouth and Nikki's eyes go wide. I know they've talked about me before.

Mack slowly turns to face me again and her face is all red and she is grinning childishly through her hands, "Sorry..." she says sheepishly.

I shrug and stand up, "Ready?" I ask, looking at Nikki. She looks embarrassed too but not as much as Mack. She nods smiling and walks over to me. She pats Mack on the head twice as she crosses her and then she holds my hand.

I lead her to the front door and open it for her. She walks out and I grab the door to close behind me. I step outside but poke my head inside, "Byyyeeee Mackkk" I call to her, rubbing in what had just happened.

I hear her mutter a sad "Bye Harry" and I chuckle, closing the door. Nikki and I walk to the car and I hear a camera shutter. Oh no.

I look around but don't see anyone anywhere. Maybe I was hearing things. "What's wrong?" Nikki asks, noticing me scoping out the place.

I shrug, shaking my head, "Nothing" I say. I take one last quick look around and don't see anyone or hear anything else. It really must be nothing.

I open her door for her and wait for her to get in. She gets in and looks at me, smiling. She is so gorgeous and I just have to-

I put my hand to her neck, pulling her down to meet my lips as I kiss her. I feel her hand grab the rim of my suit jacket, pulling me closer to her. I put my hand on her waist, loving just being able to kiss her.

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