Chapter 71:

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Thursday. 13 July 2017.

The party went well into the night and no one was sober enough to drive us all back home let alone walk twenty minutes through the woods in the dark.

So we all just passed out on the random sofas, chairs, and some people even fell asleep on the floor. By the time I knocked out, it was around 4.

I wake up around 2pm and look around. The only people who were left at this club were workers who were cleaning up and the boys who I came with.

I was laying on the sofa and as I look around I notice my arm is around someone without a shirt on. I pray it wasn't a girl.

I rub my eyes and sigh, noticing the broad shoulders and muscles. Definitely not a girl. But what guy was it?

I notice my shirt and pants were off. Luckily I still had underwear on. I don't know what happened last night. I sit up and take a peek at who I was spooning.

My heart stops seeing Louis sleeping peacefully. I groan, rubbing my eyes again and yawning. His eyes flutter open and he jumps seeing me sitting up behind him.

He quickly rolls off the sofa and looks at me, his eyes trailing my body then landing on my face, "Umm" is all he says.

I shrug, rubbing my head as it starts to hurt, "I got no idea" I say with a slight chuckle.

He stretches and yawns before standing up, "I have to take a wee" he says and walks off, scratching his head.

"WE GOT BREAKFAST!" screams Niall walking into the club with Mitch.

Mitch immediately looks at me and smiles.

"Fuck Niall" I say groaning and rubbing my head, "Quick screaming."

He doesn't care and brings the food in and drops it on the table as everyone else starts to groan and wake up. No one likes Niall's yelling and took out their anger on eating the McDonalds breakfast.

"They are still serving breakfast?" I ask noticing the time.

"All day breakfast baby!" says Mitch happily eating an Egg McMuffin.

I nod and grab some food for myself. After I finish eating, I walk around and look for my clothes, putting them back on.

After we all fill up our stomachs and take some aspirins, we take the walk back to the cars.

"That was some night" I say scratching the back of my neck.

"Glad you could enjoy it" says Mitch, putting his arm around my shoulders as we all walk.

"Thank you" I say, putting my arm around his shoulders too.

"You know, I was the one who planning most of this... being your best man and all" he says, looking at me.

I nod, "I figured. Thank you" I say, "Did you even hire the girls?"

He shrugs, "Don't tell Nikki" he says with a chuckle. I shake my head smiling.

We get back to the car and I notice my phone sitting in the chair I was in yesterday. It must've slid out of my pocket and I forgot.

I notice I have a few missed texts and calls from Nikki. "Hey before we go, I need to make a call" I say, grabbing my phone and walking down the trail a little to get some privacy.

I dial Nikki's number and she picks up after the second ring, "Harry" she says sounding relieved.

"Hey" I say, "Sorry I never replied" I tell her simply.

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