Chapter 44:

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I told Nikki to make sure to bring a nice dress because I wanted to take her out to a nice dinner for the one night she was here.

She arrived at the airport at 8am and called a car to pick her up and bring her to set. I got special permission to allow her to follow me around for the day.

I didn't work a full day today. So I get off a little bit early which lines up perfectly with Nikki's visiting.

I only had one scene to do today and that was at three. But I had to be on set early for a costume fitting

As I was getting out of the pinned up clothes, a man came up to me, "Mr. Styles" he said.

I raise my eyebrows, "That's me" I say with a smile.

"Your guest is at the gate" he said. I gasp excitedly and he walks away.

I quickly get out of the clothes and put on a sweatshirt and shorts before getting out of the costume trailer.

I hop in the golf cart I was given and drive to the gate. I get out and walk into the small trailer where the security guards sat and a few other random people.

My eyes scanned over everyone until I saw her sitting in the corner reading a magazine.

I quickly walked over to her and plucked the magazine out of her hand. She looked up at me and raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me sir I was reading that" she said.

"Yeah? And?" I say, trying not to smile.

"Yeah, you better get out of here. I'm waiting for my boyfriend and he'll be here any minute and beat you up" she tells me. I start to grin, my excitement getting the best of me.

I sit down in the seat next to her, "It so happens I'm waiting for my girlfriend" I tell her, "She's smoking hot. She's absolutely beautiful and she makes me laugh. She's got beautiful green eyes and luscious brown, straight hair and she's like 5'3 and she just has this smile that makes you want to smile too."

"Hmmm" she says, "My boyfriend's pretty tall. He's a singer and has all the girls attention but he only wants mine. And he's also got pretty green eyes and he's muscular and there's one thing that made me really like him" she tells me.

I raise an eyebrow, "Yeah, what's that?"

"His long, brown and curly hair" she says looking at me.

I forgot that I cut my hair and this is the first time she's seeing it short, "Then I must not be your boyfriend" I say with a shrug and stand up, starting to walk away.

I feel her hand on mine and I turn around and immediately kiss her. She kisses me back and I feel like we are the only two people that matter in the world right now.

She pulls away before I do, she blushes and looks around the room but I focus on her. I know she got a little embarrassed at our encounter because there's so many people here, but I didn't care.

"I missed you" I tell her, "I've missed you so much."

She smiles and looks at me, "I've missed you too babe."

I smile and take her hand in mine, "Let's go I'll give you a tour of where we have been filming" I say and lead her past everyone and out the doors.

After I gave Nikki a tour of the few places we've been shooting at the past few days, and introduced her to some people, it was time for my scene.

I left her in my chair behind camera to watch the scene. I didn't have any lines in it but I'm sure she enjoyed watching me work.

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