Chapter 40:

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The car ride was silent but that was fine by me. I didn't want to talk about what had just happened. I don't know if Nikki was shocked at what I did, if she was angry, disappointed, even scared. But right now I didn't want to hear it.

I was still really pissed off at everything Robbie had said to me in front of Nikki. It was so uncalled for. Nikki never asks about my previous relationships and I felt that was a good thing. It is stupid to think in the past when the future can become much better.

I pull up to Nikki's apartment. This isn't where I thought she should be right now, but I needed to be alone. I couldn't face Nikki right now. I needed to calm down before I could talk to her.

She looks over at me when I stop in the parking lot. She was looking out the window the entire car ride until now, "Why are we here?" she asks.

I just look straight ahead, "You need to sleep here tonight" I say simply.

She shakes her head, "No, I'm not sleeping here tonight, Harry" she says, crossing her arms over her chest, "You should probably have some company tonight."

I shake my head, looking out my window, "Leave, Nikki" I tell her sternly. She was being stubborn, but I'm stubborn too. I was pissed off, enraged, and I don't want her near me because I don't want to say something or do something to her that I'll regret.

"No" she says.

I put both hands to my face, rubbing my eyes, "Nikki" I say, letting out a deep breath, "Get out of the car."

"Harry, stop it" she tells me, "I'm coming back to your house. You can't avoid me" she says, "I did nothing so don't punish me."

I was tired of this. Tired of her stubbornness. I was doing this so she was okay. So that she didn't get hurt from me.

But she keeps talking and won't listen to me. "Nikki, please" I say, "I'm losing patience with you." I take a deep breath, trying to stay calm.

"You can't just tell me to leave because you're angry. You need someone to talk to right now, and I can talk to you" she says, touching my shoulder gently.

I turn from looking out my window when she touches me, "I don't need anyone to talk to!" I yell, "Just get the fuck out of my car!"

I clench my teeth, staring deeply at her and I can tell my sudden outburst scared her a bit.

She shakes her head, "No" she says.

My breathing get faster, "Why won't you just fucking get out, Nikki!" I yell at her.

"Because I want to be with you. What happened back there obviously got you worked up, and I want to make sure you're okay" she says, keeping her patience with me, her voice still soft and sweet.

I shake my head, lowering my voice from a yell to an angry talk, "You don't get it" I say, "I'm getting rid of you for your safety. I'm fine. But I just don't want you around me right now. Please leave."

"You want to get rid of me?"

"Not for good, Nikki" I say, trying to fix my previous statement, "I fucking love you don't pull shit like that. I want you forever. But since I do, I don't want me to do something that you don't like and break up with me."

She takes a deep breath, nodding, "I don't think you can do anything to make me not want to be with you, Styles" she says, unbuckling her seatbelt, "But I'll leave you alone."

I let out a breath as she is finally leaving, "I'll call you tomorrow."

She nods and opens the door and gets out. "Be safe" she says, closing the door.

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