Chapter 35:

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I was falling. I knew that. I also knew I was falling really quick. She was on my mind all day, every day. When I wasn't with her, I didn't think I could be myself.

I'm always supposed to be acting a certain way in public, or going to certain places, seeing certain people. But whenever I'm with Nikki, none of that matters. It's what she wants to do, and eat, and who she wants to see.

It's been going great the past few months. We've been dating a little over four months and I know she's the one. She's the only one. I've never felt this way about anyone before.

Everyone has been telling me I need to slow down, that I need to take it easy. But with her, I don't want to take it slow. I just always want her to be mine. I want people know KNOW she's mine.

She completes me. She's a beautiful woman and I want her as mine. And I know she's mine but she can easily leave. I am completely aware that at any moment she could lose all feelings for me. She could tell me she never loved me. She could walk away and leave me alone and depressed.

So it's been my personal mission to never let that happen! I have to keep her with me and keep her loving me. I've been treating her like the absolute goddess she is. I haven't complained, in seriousness, only jokingly, to her for the longest time. She deserves so much better than me and I got to make sure she doesn't realize that and leave.

"Harry!" I hear her beautiful voice call for me from upstairs.

She's been staying at me house for the past two months. We've been thinking of having her move in permanently or even getting a new house together.

I was downstairs, cooking her some grilled chicken, "Babe, I'm cooking" I call to her.

She doesn't say anything else and I can hear her talking to someone, I figure she was making a video and gonna send it to me of what she wanted to tell me. I pat my pockets and realize, I don't have my phone on me. She'll realize that too I guess.

I hear her feet jogging down the stairs and I turn around with a smile on my face as she walks in the kitchen, "Baby, you're supposed to be cuddled in be-"

"Shush!" she says, holding my phone out to me.

I furrow my eyebrows and grab it from her. The number is random and Nikki looks at me, eyes wide and nodding her head at me.

I put the phone to my ear, turning back to the chicken and moving it around a little so it doesn't burn to the pan, "Hello?"

"Mr. Styles?"

"Umm, yes... who's this?" I ask, confused and taking some pepper and sprinkling it over the chicken.

The man on the line laughs, "It's Christopher" he says, I stay silent and he continues with a slight laugh, "Christopher Nolan."

I drop the fork I was using on the stove and turn around, eyes wide, looking at Nikki who was smiling at me.

"Yes, Christopher! How are you?" I say and Nikki smiles, and listens quietly.

"I'm doing well. Listen, I'll cut to the chase. I'd like you to play Alex in Dunkirk" he says and my mouth drops open as he continues, "We are looking for new actors in the movie and we think you'd be great."

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much!" I say, my palms getting sweaty nervously.

"Hope your schedule is free for the next couple months, or else clear it!" he says with a laugh.

I chuckle too, "Of course!"

"So, filming starts in three weeks. I'll have the editor send you a script and your schedule soon, alright?"

I nod, "Yes ok!" I say, continuing to nod my head, even though he can't even see me.

"Great, well I'll see you on set, Mr. Styles" he says.

"Okay, thank you so much! I really appreciate it!" I say happily.

"Sure. Have a good one." And with that, the line goes dead.

I lock my phone and look up at Nikki, a few tears of excitement threatening to fall, "I got the part in that movie!" I tell her.

She squeals and opens her arms for a hug. I wrap her up tight and swing her around, squeezing her small body. She giggles and holds onto me tightly.

Time moves in slow motion as I spin her in a circle. I smell the scent of her sweet smelling hair, I hold on to her tight and I could live in this moment forever.

But time catches back up and I set her down, "Harry I'm so happy for you, babe!" she says, pure happiness on her face. And I know she is really excited for me. She's the one for me. Does she know I'm the one for her too?

"Thank you" I say and she takes my cheeks in her hands gently, pulling me down for a passionate and longing kiss.

"I knew you'd get it" she says, after we pull away, our faces inches apart.

"Fuck this chicken, babe, go upstairs and change" I tell her, walking to the stove, turning it off and moving the pan off the hot burner, "We are going out to celebrate!"

She grins happily and runs upstairs, going to change as I said. I watch her scamper away before cleaning the mess I made from cooking before going upstairs to change myself.

As I get upstairs, Nikki was already in the bathroom doing her make up. She had on a sexy tight black dress on that went down to mid thigh.

"Shit" I say, leaning against the bathroom door frame. She looks up at me, half a face if make up done.

"What?" she asks me, raising an eyebrow.

"You're stunning already" I tell her and she blushes with a grin before looking back at the mirror and continuing. I smiled to myself before going into be closet to change.

From The Dining Table [H.S]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя