Chapter 13:

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I park my car and walk up the short driveway. I get to the door and feel empty handed. Usually I bring her flowers and I contemplate going to the store and buying some. I look at the time and decide against it. It's late already.

I knock on the door, ready to see her. I feel like I haven't seen her in years! I miss her! I miss her beautiful body. Her beautiful face. Her laugh. Her smile. Her blushing. Her lips. Her.

The door swings open and my heart sinks as I stare at the brown haired guy without a shirt on. He is in sweat pants and he is smiling, looks like he was just laughing at something.

"Woah, are you Harry Styles?" he asks, grinning at me, "Did you like pop a tire or something, bro?"

I clench my jaw, ready to punch this guy in the face. I decide against it and turn around and walk back to my car.

"Move" I hear Nikki say. I hear her footsteps behind me, "Harry wait where are you going? I'm right here" she says.

I spin around, anger clearly present in my face, "Are you joking?!" I yell in her face.

She steps back confused, "What? Joking about what Harry?!" she asks, she seems scared, and immediately becomes timid and it makes me want to forgive her and hug her and kiss her.

But I can't. She can't play me like that.

"You're messing with me! You knew I was coming to see you first thing when I came back!"

She nods her head, "I know, Harry, so why are you angry..." she frowns, saddened by my actions.

"Because you just have some other guy here shirtless!" I yell and look behind her to him. He was standing with Mack, both of them looking at us. His arm was wrapped around her and she had her arms wrapped around him.


"They are dating!" she yells back at me, now she's angry for me not trusting her.

"Oh gosh" I say, realizing what an idiot I am. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like that."

She rolls her head, "No you shouldn't have! How dare you think that!" she says turning back to the house.

Mack and the other boy quickly go inside before Nikki sees them. "Nikki wait" I call to her. I run over and grab her arm, spinning her around. She quickly snatches her arm back.

"What harry?!"

I frown, "I'm sorry" I say, my face softening, "I'm really sorry."

She shakes her head, "Go home. I'll see if I feel like talking to you tomorrow... or ever again" she says walking back to the house.

"You're going to end this over one thing?!" I call to her. She just puts her arm backwards and flicks me off.

I close my eyes and exhale, putting my hands through my hair and pulling, trying to take the pain away from my heart. It doesn't help.

I go to get in my car, kicking my tire as I go by it. Damn that hurt. I get in the car and sit there a moment. I feel my face is really hot as I take a couple deep breaths. I'm really worked up from all the rush of emotions in a short period of time: anger, surprise, remorse, and sadness.

I feel a tear run down my cheek and I wipe it away quickly and I hear a tapping on the window. I quickly look up, hoping to see her. But it's just Mack.

I roll down the window, not saying anything.

"So... that guy is my boyfriend" she says, "Not anyone Nikki brought."

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