Chapter 5:

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She's great!

Nikki, I mean.

She's very cute and silly in her own way and she makes me laugh and smile and be very happy whenever I'm with her.

I sit in my car, thinking over the events of the night. Nothing sexual happened, which I thought it would but, I'm not mad. I enjoyed eating pizza with her and watching movies.

We got to snuggle together and I probably told her a million times it's hard to watch the movie when someone so beautiful is next to me.

I think she thinks I'm just trying to flatter her. But I'm not, I truly see her as being so gorgeous. I just want her to be happy. All the time. I don't ever want to see her sad. Speaking of seeing her, I can't wait to see her again.

I decide to text her, I don't care if it's too early to text her because we just saw each other but I just had to.

New Text Message To: Nikki Park Saturday 1:24am
Me: Hi! I don't know if you're asleep or not but I just had to say tonight was amazing and I can't wait to spend more time with you.
Me: If you still want to spend time with me, that is.
Nikki: I do.
Me: Great so I'll see you tomorrow?
Nikki: Lol
Me: I'm serious
Nikki: Okay. I'm tired goodnight.
Me: Goodnight pretty 😍

I turn off my car and walk inside my house, turning on the lights. I grab a bottle of overpriced water and head upstairs to my room. I close the door and turn on the tv.
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I wake up at 11am and look at my phone, hoping Nikki would text me. She didn't.

I decide to text her first:

New Text Message To: Nikki Park
Saturday 11:05am
Me: My place today?🙂
Nikki: Morning to you to!! And sure sent me your address
Nikki: When can I come over?
Me: Whenever you want.
Me: Dress code- CASUAL!!! 😤😤
Nikki: Lol!! Got it! Send me your address already or I'm not coming!

I quickly send her my address before she changes her mind. I don't know if she really would or wouldn't. I can't tell with her. Does she like me too? Or does she not?

I decide to get up, in case she already is coming. I put out a tee shirt and some jeans, figuring that it was casual but not too casual. I don't think she would think I'm cute if I had sweats on. Her on the other hand was hot.

I hop into the shower quickly, washing my hair and body. I get out and spray on deodorant and cologne. I put on my clothes and brush my teeth. I put some frizz control through my hair and style it lazily to the side. Perfect timing too, because the door bell rings.

I quickly spray on a bit more cologne and run downstairs to the front door. I quickly adjust myself, making sure I look perfect before I swing open the door. "Hello!" I say and look up, "Louis!?"

"Hi Harry" he says, looking down.

"What are you doing here? What's up?" I ask him and he looks at me, his eyes are red and I can tell he has been crying, "Louis, what's wrong?"

He sniffs, "I know this sounds cheesy but I miss you!" he says and he wraps his arms around me, "You smell good."

I chuckle and hug him back, "Mate, you're going to be fine. You're going to make your music, I'm making mine, Niall's making his and Liam's-"

"Not One Direction, Harry! I miss you! I miss us!" he says and I kick the door closed.

"Louis, this can't happen" I say, "We've been through this many times. It's not going to work" I shake my head, as he cries on my shoulder.

"We can make it happen, though!" he says hopefully. But I shake my head.

"Louis, you need to go" I say, "You have a son, go to him. Find yourself a girlfriend" I tell him, pulling away from the prolonged hug.

He shakes his head, "Harry, I don't want a girl. I want you!" he says, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"No, Louis, you can't do this to me. All those times when I wanted you. When I came to you, you turned me away!"

"I know! I'm sorry! But now I think you know how I'm feeling" he says, grabbing my hands and rubbing them with his thumbs gently.

I shake my head, "Louis! You were stern with me and I need to be stern with you now" I say and take a deep breath, "I've moved on. You made me. Now, It's your turn."

He shakes his head, "I don't understand" he says frowning, a tear falling.

"I don't want to be with you anymore."

"Who's the other guy, Harry?" he asks, starting to get angry and jealous.

"I'm not with a boy" I say shrugging.

"You're not gay?"

"Maybe I was for you. But that's it. Guys don't interest me. You did. But that's it. I like girls. I have sex with girls and I like it. Louis, me and you were a one time thing okay?"

He nods and sighs and there's a light knock at the door. Great. Louis looks at me confused then looks at his watch, probably wondering who's here at almost noon.

I take a deep breath, "Sorry, Louis" I say before I open the door revealing Nikki standing there with a smile in leggings and a fitted tee shirt. Her hair is up in a bun with a head band and she looks so cute I just want to kiss her. But I know I can't. Not right now.

"Hey" I say smiling, I open the door so she can come in, "Nikki, this is Louis Tomlinson. He's in One Direction with me. Lou, this is Nikki" I say and Louis stares at her then looks at me.

He rolls his eyes and bumps shoulders with her, walking out to his car. "Hey!" I yell at him. "Nikki, are you okay?" I ask and she chuckles nodding.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think you should go check on him, though. I don't think he's okay" she says and I smile at her. She cares about my friends.

I nod, "Okay I'll be right back stay right here. It'll be very quick!" I say and I run down the driveway to Louis.

From The Dining Table [H.S]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora