Chapter 30:

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I get on the plane and sit in a chair, putting on the seat belt. I pull out my phone and decide to text Nikki and let her know I'm on the plane:

Me: Hey, love! Just got on the plane. I miss you.
Nikki: It's not even been an hour.
Me: Babe, once I close your bedroom door, I missed you.
Nikki: Well thanks, I miss you too.
Me: I know
Nikki: Wow
Me: What? I know you miss me because you replied really quickly
Nikki: Fine, then I won't reply quickly
Me: No, you can, it's okay.
Me: Nikki, cmon.
Me: Nikki!
Nikki: Oh hey sorry, I'm here
Me: You're mean to me
Me: Nikki, I'm sorry! Please reply quickly!
Nikki: Stop being a selfish person
Me: Okay, you're right love
Nikki: I know

I smile at her reply. She is so wonderful and understands me. I want to get off this plane and run to her, but I know I can't. I have to go to this audition.

"Hello, this is your pilot speaking" says a man's voice over the loud speaker, "We are about to take off if you can put up your trays and turn off any cellular devices until we reach appropriate altitude. Thank you." There is a click as the speaker goes offline.

Me: Hey, the plane is about to take off. I love you so much, Nikki. I miss you very much. I will call you once we land, okay?
Nikki: Why are you making it like you're going to die!? Just say goodbye!

I realize it did sound like the last thing I was going to say to her and immediately feel bad for possibly worrying her.

Me: You're right, sorry. I love you. Bye.

I turn off my phone as the plane starts to move down the runway.

When we get into the air, the pilot says I can use my device again. I pull out my computer, turning it on. I open up my emails seeing I got another email from Syco. I roll my eyes opening it:

To: Harry Styles
Cc: SYCO Music
From: Simon Cowell

So glad to hear you will be in London! I will be glad to set up a meeting with you after your audition. Get back to me.


I roll my eyes. I'm so tired of these dumb meetings. He is just going to say how I can't date Nikki and I don't want to hear it. I will gladly be dropped from his label and sign with someone different, someone who doesn't care who I date.

To: Simon Cowell
Cc: SYCO Music
From: Harry Styles

Simon, I have this audition at 10 and I'm not sure when it is ending, but whenever it does, I'm leaving back to LA. I don't have time to meet you.


That should do it. I send the message and see I got a new email. I open it and its details for the audition tomorrow. There is a script attached and I open it immediately, interested to get started.

The scene doesn't give me much to work with. It just gives me the lines and any cues. I don't even have any background to know where I am or what's happening. I guess that's because if I don't get the part they don't want me ruining the story line.

I read it over many times in my head, then, since no one is around, I practice speaking out loud.

I'll admit I'm nervous and not really sure how it will go. I've never really acted before. I was on an episode of an American TV show, but I really didn't have many lines. I doubt I was very good either. I was like eighteen when that happened.

I'm twenty two now, though, so things have changed obviously. I hope I do really good with this movie. It would be a nice change to be known not as Harry from One Direction. I want to make my own name.

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