Chapter 28:

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I go to the front desk and the woman stares up at me impatiently, "Where'd the girl I come in with go?" I ask, trying to hide the fear and worry in my voice.

She smiles, another fake one, "I told her about your meeting. Mr. Franklin told me to let her know she was dismissed" she says, looking back down at her computer and typing away.

Is she kidding me? "Seriously?" I ask, hoping her answer is: "I'm just kidding! She went to the bathroom."

She shakes her head, "I'm just following what my boss said to do" she says, not bothering to look up from her screen.

I groan loudly, "When did you tell her this?" I ask, obviously frustrated.

"When you went in."

Meaning she was probably far gone. I pull out my phone and dial her number, walking back to the sitting area. She picked up quickly, "Harry" she says, seeming a bit sad.

"Nikki, where are you?" I ask her sternly. She better tell me. She better not let any of this get to her.

"Don't worry, babe" she says softly, "I'm waiting downstairs."

I grin. I'm so glad she didn't listen to this bitch behind the desk. "Good, stay there for me, okay" I say, standing up, "I have to go in for another meeting."

Before she can reply, I storm down the hall. "Hey! You can't go in there!" the lady at the desk called after me. I ignore her, bursting into Jim's office. He looks up from his computer, shocked and seeming almost proud with a smug look on his face.

"Come to your senses and agreeing with your contract?"

I shake my head, coming behind his desk, leaning over and grab the collar of his shirt, pulling his face close to mine, "How dare you tell your dumbass receptionist to tell my girlfriend to leave!" I yell in his face.

"Styles!" he exclaims, the smug look wiped right off his face. He looks into my eyes and I can tell he is nervous.

"You tell whoever you have to that I'm not breaking up with Nikki," I tell him, really close to his face, "And if you all can't accept that then fucking fire me! See how much I care." I release my grip on his shirt and turn around, without letting him say anything to me.

I'm glad he didn't try to say anything as I walked out of his office because I probably would've punched the shit out of him. I was furious right now. I can't believe this entire management was turning against me when all I did was make them more money then they could even imagine. No one they would sign would get as famous as One Direction really got.

Sure, One Direction didn't get much credit after the first couple years: songs not on the radio as often, album sales only the top for a few weeks. But the fans kept coming back. We had a strong fan base and they would even buy tickets to multiple shows. We sold seats in the very back where no one could even see the stage for a hundred dollars. Not many artists can say they do that.

And as for me, I was the most popular one in the group. Everyone knows my name. So what makes them think when I start making my own music it won't sell as well? It might even sell better than some of the One Direction albums. And if I do that with a different management, I really don't care.

I step out of the elevator on the bottom floor and see Nikki sitting on her phone in the waiting area. I walk over towards her and as I get closer she looks up, giving me a pity smile.

I hold out my hand and lift her up from sitting down, wrapping my arms around her and kissing her passionately. I had to let her know she wasn't getting away from me just because some guy said it's against my contract.

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