Chapter 36:

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We were seated at the fancy restaurant that I picked out. After a small argument over who was picking where we'd eat, it was left to me.

"You got the part! You pick the place!" she had told me. Which she was right, if we were going to celebrate my accomplishment, I should pick the place.

"Fine, but I'm paying" I said to her to which she smiled and nodded. I always pay for her when we go out, so it was really just a joke.

Every so often, I'd let her pay for me but never something really expensive. She always complains to me saying she has money too. We both know she doesn't have as much as me but she was right, she was paid very well and could easily pay for everything I pay for for us.

But as the lovely gentleman I am, I pay. And she lets me now.

"What are you thinking of eating?" she says, looking over her menu. Her head faces down at the menu but her eyes are looking up at me. It was sexy.

"Why do you always ask? My answer will always be the same" I tell her quite simply with a small smirk.

"Because, I'm hoping one day, it'll be an actual answer" she says, rolling her eyes before looking back down to the menu. Even though the menu covers the lower half of her face, I can tell she's grinning.

"What you don't think I'm being serious?"

Her eyes look up to meet mine again as she raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything.

I smirk at her before placing my menu down. I unroll the fork and knife from the white napkin on my right and I look at her, grabbing the fork.

I raise an eyebrow and give her a slight smirk before raising the fork and dropping it on the floor, "Oops" I say with a smile before I bend down to get it.

I grab the fork quickly but I lightly trace my fingers up the outside of her leg up to her thigh, squeezing gently before coming back up to a seated position. "I'm gonna need a new fork" I say, as I sit the one from the floor on the edge of the table.

I look at her as I grab my menu. She's trying to avoid eye contact with me but her face is flushed red and I know I've succeeded.

Just in time, the waitress comes over and her eyes widen seeing me and Nikki then she cools down before smiling, "Hi! My name is Bailey. What can I get you two to drink?"

"I'll get a water" I tell her and she nods, scribbling down on her notepad before looking at Nikki.

"Red wine please" she says and I close my eyes with a smile. A sexy choice.

Bailey scribbles her drink order and tells us she'll bring our drinks and walks away.

"Is your side comfy?" I ask, lightly bouncing up and down on my side of the booth, giving a suspicious face.

She wiggles around a bit, feeling the seat before shrugging, "Yeah, I guess, why?" she asks.

"Mine isn't comfortable" I tell her and I slide out of the booth and slide in on her side, "Yes much more comfy."

"Harry" she whines, "Don't sit next to me, I can't see you when I'm trying to talk to you" she tells me, pushing at my shoulder, laughing a bit.

I just overpower her pushing and sat right next to her, our sides pressing against each other. I lean close to her, my lips next to her ear, "Who said we were going to be talking?" I whisper seductively as my hand slides up her thigh.

She grabs my hand to stop if from going any farther and she turns her head to look at me, "Harry, no... we are in public" she says. As if I don't know.

My eyes lock with hers, I can feel a passion towards her growing immensely. There's an urge I feel. I feel it all the time with her but it's strong now. I need to feel her some way or another. "Does it look like I care?"

Her face goes pale, no more blushing, she pulls her head back away from me and tries scooting away but my hand reaches over and grabs her waist to stop her from moving, "Where are you going?"

"Harry stop it" she says, seriously, "I don't want to play this game out in public" she tells me, "Do you know how many eyes are in here and how this would wreck our publicity if we were caught on camera... you know"

"Nikki" I say, losing a bit of that urge for her, "I'm not going to fuck you right her on the table. It would be hot but I'm not" I tell her.

"Lower your voice" she snaps at me, furrowing her eyebrows, "I don't want to do this here."

I clench my jaw as the urge grows again, "I need you" I say through my teeth.

"Excuse me?"

My breathing has gotten really heavy right now, she's pulling away from me but she doesn't understand. She's teased me for far too long.

Our waitress sets the drinks down, "Oh! You switched sides!" she says with a laugh.

"I'm not feeling very well, we are gonna come back another night" I tell the waitress. I pull out my wallet and throw a twenty on the table, "Keep the change."

She looks a little shocked but takes the money and walks away, "Come on" I say, looking at Nikki, and putting my hand out.

"What are you doing! This was supposed to be a celebration night" she tells me.

"I want to celebrate a different way" I tell her, emphasizing my hand.

She takes it and I gently tug her out of the booth and out of the restaurant. Cameras flash but I ignore them all. I cant hold this in any longer. I need her now.

We get in the car and Nikki is silent. I can tell she's a little nervous of what's going to happen. Little does she know she'll be screaming in a few minutes.

"Are you mad at me" she asks as my grip tightens on the wheel. My eyes burn into the road, trying to resist the urge to pull over on the side of the road. I say nothing.

"Babe... are you mad at-"

I sharply turn my head to look at her, "No!" I say before looking back at the road.

"Then why did we storm out of that restaurant and why are you driving like your life depends on it?" she asks. I can hear a hint of hurt and nervousness in her voice.

"Because I want to fuck you so hard right now."

From The Dining Table [H.S]Where stories live. Discover now