Chapter 29:

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We get into the car, nothing happened. No bathroom hook ups. She actually seems calm and not really crazy from that drink.

"Where to now?" she asks, buckling her seat belt.

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know I just asked you."

I shrug, "Want to go bowling?" I ask. I never really taken girls on dates like that before. I really haven't even been bowling in a long time but I think it would be fun.

She nods, "Yeah, that'll be fun."

I pull out my phone, searching nearby bowling alleys. My phone vibrates and the screen I'm looking at is replaced with a phone number calling me, "Hold on" I say, turning down the music in the car and answering the phone, "Hello?"

"Harry Styles?" a male voice asked on the other line.


"Hi, this is Christopher Nolan calling you regarding the movie Dunkirk" he says, my heart stops, becoming excited and nervous all in one time.

"Hi, how are you?" I ask, smoothly, trying to seem calm.

"I'm doing well, thanks for asking. I got your audition request and I'm just calling in some new actors I'd think would be good for the movie" he says, "And I'd like you to audition."

I nod, happily, "Yes, I'd be glad to" I say, starting to shake a little.

"Great! I thought you'd say that" he says with a laugh. I laugh along too. "So, can you come here at tomorrow at ten?"

"Where is here?"

"London, I'll email you an address" he says, as if it were written on my forehead.

I bite my bottom lip and look over at Nikki who just smiles at me. If I take this audition tomorrow, it means I need to get on the next flight to England. I sigh, knowing this would break our date, "Yes, I can be there."

"Perfect! We will email you the address and a scene to audition with and the rest of the details" he says, sounding excited.

I nod, grinning a little, "Alright, thank you! Have a good day" I say and he says bye before hanging up. I look over at Nikki who looks at me smiling.

"Who was that? You sound happy" she says, wanting to be happy with me.

"It was Christopher Nolan. He is a director" I tell her and start to drive. I have to take her home.


"Yeah, I had sent in almost like a job application saying I'd be interested in auditioning for a movie. He wants me to audition for him" I say, with a grin. Saying it makes me happy. This is a huge deal. If I get this role, I'd be a singer and an actor. That is really cool and many people don't get a chance to do either let alone both.

"Oh gosh, Harry!" she exclaims, her smile widening, "That's so cool!"

"Yeah, except" I say, my smile disappearing from my face and she furrows her eyebrows.

"Except what?"

I sigh, "Except the audition is tomorrow" I tell her.

She nods, "So you don't have much time to learn lines..." she says, thinking that was the problem. She's so cute.

I shake my head, "No, babe. It means I have to leave now" I say.

She shrugs, "Oh, so?" Does she get it? I have to leave her and we can't spend the rest of the day together.

"So, love, I have to take you home. We can't spend the day together."

She laughs, "Harry, it's okay" she says, "I don't mind, really. This is such a huge opportunity for you. Don't let me stand in your way."

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