Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

''Put that down, Wind, right now.'' Father said, his voice holding a threatening edge to it but Wind shook his head, holding the gun up higher, not appearing to be wavering in the slightest

''Stop hurting mommy, stop it.'' Wind said. Our father stared at Wind long and hard before whirling his attention back onto our baffled, frightened mother who was staring at Wind like she just couldn't believe what she was seeing.

''You fucking brainwashed our children and put them against me!'' And as he raised his hand up to strike our mother the sound of a gun shot rang out through the house and I watched as our father collapsed to the ground...dead.

My eyelids shot open and I jolted up, taking in a deep breath before exhaling, trying to push that memory to the far back of my mind but this was the third night in a row it's replayed it's self in my dreams—rather a nightmare—and it terrified me. I didn't know if this memory was trying to tell me something but if it was I've interpenetrated it to being something along the lines of loosing Terrance and our unborn child.

The very thought sent a gut-wrenching pain straight to my heart.

Sighing in frustration, I stood from the living room couch, stretching my arms over my head to ease the kinks in my back before wandering into the kitchen. After the whole Valentines Day/Joyce thing—Terrance has been completely ignoring my existence.

Once we had arrived back home, he had stormed up to our bedroom and slammed the door shut; an obvious sign that he didn't want to talk. So, I gave him some time alone, hoping that after he thought things through he'd come down and talk things out with me but instead he did a complete one-eighty on me, stomping down the stairs with an overnight bag hanging from his shoulder.

I had asked. ''What are you doing? Where are you going?''

His response. ''My mom's.''

I had tried to convince him otherwise, telling him to stay so we could talk things out but he kept on refusing, telling me he was too hurt and he didn't want to say anything he'd regret before the sound of a car horn sounded and he left out the front door, whispering a quiet 'I love you' as he went, pretty much leaving me utter destroyed. Of course, I had ran out the front door, calling after him but he climbed into his mother's car and she drove off, leaving me standing on the side of the road, hands clasped over my head as I cursed myself for being an idiot.

The next day, I had skipped out on school, it was a Friday and there wasn't much planned so instead I stayed home, waiting for Terrance to come strolling in through the front door but it never happened and it didn't happen on the weekend either. He didn't even call, text or email me—of which I checked because I was becoming desperate for his contact.

No, he was ignoring me, giving me the cold shoulder, leaving me to feel like utter dog shit.

I didn't even bother to sleep in our shared queen sized bed because it didn't feel right without him laying next to me. Instead tried to find comfort in the couch which was really difficult considering it was only five feet long and I was six foot three.

Which would probably explain my back pains every morning.

But, Terrance pretty much left me here to suffer emotionally so really, why not physically too?

The sound of the home phone ringing brought me out of my thoughts and my heart jerked in my chest before I was literally sprinting forward, plucking the phone up from it's cradle and pressing talk without looking at the caller id, hoping it was Terrance.

''Terrance?'' I asked in greeting down the line, holding the phone to my ear with a white knuckle grip.

''No, it's Starr,'' I groaned, slumping against the counter top, completely deflated. ''Well, gee, you sound thrilled your only amazing kick-ass sister is calling.''

The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Daddy (BoyxBoy) (MPreg)Where stories live. Discover now