Bond Mates Chapter 26 Control

Depuis le début

"You ready to get married baby?" he whispered seductively in my ear.

I giggled "Hell yeah lover boy" I whispered back as we took the last step towards the vicar.

I opened my eyes and laughed, the lake! Oh my gosh, why didn't I think of that? I jumped out of the bed and bolted out of the door, as I was running down the stairs I met Sean who was running up the stairs looking as excited as I felt.

"The lake" he said wrapping his arms around me, I nodded as I threw my arms around his neck. "I'm really starting to dislike these visions you know, I never get to see what you look like" he whined kissing my neck.

I laughed, "Sorry lover boy, next time I'll try to look in a mirror for you ok?" I asked teasingly, "But you did look extremely handsome in that suit" I said raking my eyes down his perfect body which unfortunately was covered in jeans and a shirt.

"Hey stop that pervert" he complained jokingly kissing me tenderly. "Well at least we don't have to make any major decisions now either, you've done all the hard work, colour schemes, dresses, suits" Sean said grinning. Just then the doorbell rang, "Dinners done" he said with a laugh going to pay for our takeaway.

I sighed with relief that he didn't cook, his second from last attempt was spaghetti bolognaise and the pasta came out in one big lump and the sauce was burnt, how you can burn sauce I don't know but Sean managed, and his latest attempt at hot dogs had actually set fire to the grill. Bless him he may be good at almost everything but that boy can't cook.

Now all we had to do was arrange everything, but that would probably be easy Kate had been itching to get arranging, and as she was an interior designer she had a lot of contacts so the wedding plans would be a synch now we knew what we wanted.

Sean had moved in with me about two weeks ago and we were living like an already married couple, well ok we were living like a couple that were on their honeymoon. We never argued, we were very romantic, Sean gave me gifts everyday like flowers, chocolates, music, anything he could think of, he left me little love notes around the house even in the fog on the mirror in the bathroom, and we had sex a lot. The craving for his body had not diminished one little bit even after the month we had been bonded.

I had two or three premonitions a week, nothing important so far, Chase was going to get a new car, Ryce was going to get a promotion, things like that, none of them had happened yet and as they don't have date stamps that could be months or years in the future. It was actually quite annoying trying to figure them out so we stopped trying. I didn't push all of my premonitions onto Sean, only the ones that I was emotionally involved in like if I was happy or scared. But I had managed to master sending them to him at will, I was getting quite good at it actually, it hardly took any effort at all now.


My Mom was coming home today. I'd seen her three times and spoke to her every other night on the phone for the last three weeks. She was coming home today she had been in the rehab clinic for five weeks and was totally straight. I just prayed that she would stay that way.

She had asked that Sean be the one to pick her up, she said that she thought she would cry if I was the one to get her and that she would be able to detach a bit better if Sean was to go on his own. Sean being Sean he didn't mind, he would do anything for me therefore that extended to her too. I held my breath as his car pulled up, I heard them get out and Sean's laugh as he told her that her bags weren't to heavy for him I smiled at the thought, I could hear them walk up the path to the door.

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