Chapter 2

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I don't know if you guys even do that here, but a heads up that this next chapter is very violent. So if you're bothered by that you may want to skip it.

~The previous day~

Callie P.O.V

The nice man who brings the snacks just left. He said he was going to make things better for me, I don't really know what that means. He's kind of the only good thing in my life seeing as he doesn't 'fuck' me, or at least that's what they call it.

I've just finished my chocolate when I feel heavy footprints coming down the stairs; I don't hear them, that door is pretty sound proof I think, but I can FEEL them 'thump, thump, thump.' My heart drops into my stomach, I know those footprints, it's him! I crawl up the wall with my bare feet and hands and dash to the back of the cellar hanging from the ceiling like a spider.

The door is unbolted.

SHIT, I look around desperate for somewhere to hide; but it's useless, the chain around my neck makes it impossible. I just curl up as small as I can and brace myself for what's coming.

He opens the door, for that brief moment I can see his frame in the light from upstairs. He's really tall, like HUGE! He doesn't have hair, and he has a funny chin.

The silhouette disappears as he gently shuts the door behind him.

"Caaaallie," he called, sending shivers down my spine, I crouch as close to the roof as I possibly can, already knowing from experience that it will do no good.

"Come here Callie, you already know what happens when you disobey me." His voice not yet angry, but there was a threatening tone laced with amusement. "This is your last chance," as the words left his mouth I feel a slight tug on my chain. I shake my head, wanting to cry, but I won't. I never cry, it's a waste of energy plus they like it.

"Suit yourself then." He said, his voice as cold as the cement ceiling I'm clinging to. I close my eyes, bracing myself for impact. He pulls the chain, hard, and I come crashing down--my head whips back and cracks on the floor. He proceeds to drag me towards him using the chain around my neck, the whole way I kick my legs and attempt to get my hands under the chain so I can breathe. I'm just about to pass out when I'm finally close enough to him and the chain slackens. I take a huge gulp of air.

Just as I finally stop seeing stars, a hard kick connects my side, my ribs cracking audibly. I grunt, my eyes welling up with tears, I swallow hard and grit my teeth. I will not cry. He chuckles softly and yanks the chain backward, proceeding to choke me again; meanwhile, he stomps down on my shoulder, dislocating my arm, so that I won't be pulled up with the chain.

I fight as hard as I can but I can't break free. I start seeing stars and my vision goes blurry as I struggle to take a breath. He's screaming at me, but I can't make out what he's saying, all I can think as I look up at him is, "fuck you and your ugly-ass chin," and then everything goes black.

When You Saved MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant