Chapter 51

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First Thor chapter ever.... WHAAAAAT?!
I wrestled with the idea of writing from his perspective at all, I love Thor but find his personality hard to write for some reason.

On a side note, I've written a new story, not Avengers related, if you guys follow me I'd love it if you check it out!

On a side note, I've written a new story, not Avengers related, if you guys follow me I'd love it if you check it out!

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Thor P.O.V

I come in to find Steve trying to wrestle Tony's cell phone out of his hands, he must not be trying too hard because he would definitely win if he was.

"Just let me talk to her, please?" Steve is begging, trying to grab the phone.

"No, like I said, Clint says she fell asleep, she's fine now, I fixed it. Let's get ready to go." Tony gently pushes the younger man in the chest.

"I'm ready to party!" I speak up, trying to avert any more arguing.

Tony grins at me, "see? Thor is ready, let's go!"

Steve sighs and grabs his brown leather jacket off the hook and pulls his shoes on. "What are you going to do at this party? I thought you had a girlfriend?"

"Are you planning on losing your virginity tonight Steven?" I ask with a smirk.

"Well, no but..."

"Right, so I'm coming to dance and drink and have a good time, also to babysit you because I'm guessing Tony will be preoccupied."

"Fuck yes, I'm so horny you could call me Steve!" Tony howls as a red faced Cap punches him in the stomach.

Nat and Bruce walk in on the scene hand in hand, eyebrows raised in amusement, "where are you guys going?" Nat asks with a laugh.

"They're going to a party," Bruce chuckles.

"What? I want to go to a party! Why didn't you tell me about it?" She turns on him accusingly.

"You do? Oh I didn't really think...."

"We're coming!" Nat says, grabbing her shoes and throwing Bruce's at his chest.

He shrugs and puts them on and we all go out to the car, "uh sorry Happy, we need something bigger now. Our group has grown." Tony laughs and Happy rolls his eyes but jumps in the car and takes it back to the garage, returning with the limo a few minutes later.

"Much better!" I tell him, patting Happy on the back, and crawling in between Tony and Steve. I wrap my arms around each of their shoulders, "I'm so excited!" I yell and Tony raises an arm and whoops with me, Steve just laughs as I jostle him around.

"You feeling better Stevie?" Natasha asks with a gentle smile, but although the question was meant to be kind, the back of Steve's neck turns bright red and he looks intently at his shoes.

I nudge him in the ribs, and he nods, "yep."

"Okay, who's party are we going to Tony?" Bruce asks slowly.

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