Alfonse X Reader

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I wrote this on New Year's Eve but your boy has been playing smash bros with friends and doing all kinds of stuff (aka being a lazy piece of shit) so I'm late. I have an angst idea for Alfonse so if y'all want that just say so 👏👏

It was New Year's Eve, Y/N remembered this from her own world. Tomorrow would start the New Year. She herself was excited for it but had to prepare for battles ahead. She was in her room sketching strategies, she got side tracked though. She was imagining Alfonse in a Yukata. She and Alfonse had a mutual love but never actually asked each other out, but they were satisfied with the mutual feelings towards each other. Alfonse seemed to not leave her mind no matter how much she tried. She ended up with a drawing of him in a yukata instead of actual strategies. Someone knocked on her door all of a sudden.

"J-Just a moment! " Y/N told whoever it was and scrunched up her paper and hid it under her bed. She opened the door and saw Camilla with a big smile. Camilla walked in her room with a yukata in her hands.

"Y/N I went to town and asked if they could make a Hoshidan like dress that I had last year and there was one in your size! So I bought it instantly, also one for Corrin of course. " Camilla said lovingly. The dress was stunning. It was black with flower patterns across it. The care for the tiny details on the yukata was jaw dropping.

"I-I.. Camilla how much was this?! " Y/N questioned her.

"Don't worry about that part! Just worry about you~ I'm sure your prince will faint once he sees you in this. I'll have you wear it tonight, no buts! " Camilla demanded, she was scary when she wanted to be.

"I.. er.. alright.. I guess after I plan some things out for our next ba—"

"Oh no you don't! You're going to be out of this room tonight. I will make sure of that as well, so have fun tonight Alright. " Camilla demanded again.

"Y-yes ma'am.. " Y/N replied. Camilla reverted to her usual presence, which gave Y/N a sigh of relief.

"I'll see you tonight my dear! " Camilla told her with a smile and wave. The dress was on Y/N's bed in all of its grace.

"Gods.. maybe I should give this to a hero or something.. this is too fancy for me. " Y/N mumbled. "But it's so pretty I want to wear it.. I'd feel bad if Camilla spent a lot on this for me just to give it away.. who cares I'll wear it until dusk tomorrow! " Y/N argued with herself and put the yukata in a safe place. She looked happy at herself before she remembered the strategies she had to be planning. It was 8pm before Y/N finally stopped to stop. She stretched out her arms and let out a yawn. "I wonder where Alfonse is. " She murmured to herself. She looked outside her room and put on the yukata. She looked at her window and admired herself. "I actually look good for once.. the magic of this!! " Y/N exclaimed. She twirled around and giggled. She was overwhelmed with joy, after doing work for so long she was so happy to just enjoy herself a bit. She headed out and a few other heroes were dressed in yukata's, it was lovely. Camilla spotted her and waved to tell her to come over. The male Corrin was there in a new set of clothes from last year.

"I see Camilla got you one too, splendid! " Corrin exclaimed, Y/N nodded.

"You two are absolutely adorable! C'mere you two! " Camilla said before wrapping the two in a tight embrace.

"Ahaha.. we love you too Camilla! " Y/N said hoping to be let go soon.

"Oh! There's Alfonse! " Camilla said looking over at the blue haired prince. Even though it was crowded Y/N could still spot him. Her face brightened up at the sight of him. She hurried on over to him.

"Alfonse! " she called out for him. As she was hurrying she tripped over someone's foot. When she looked up it was Hrid, he looked stunning as well this night. He pulled her up and gave her a smile.

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