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Y/N was recruited a bit before delthea so it was a bit lonely for a while.Alm would talk to her only before battles but she enjoyed it while it lasted.Alm enjoyed them too, sometimes they would be slightly late to the battle on accident.She would be all positive and all but everyone kind of didn't want to talk to her expect Alm and gray with flirting, since she was from Rigel.She had been from Rigel but betrayed them is what she claims, but people say otherwise, but after  Delthea came they became quick friends since delthea didn't really care, but Y/N was a year older.As Y/N went over for dinner and sat near alm eating some bread he gave his leftovers to faye,you could see her emotions as she was red.Alm dense as any protagonist, He asked her if she was okay.Y/N watched it all happen."Hiya Y/N! What're ya' looking at? " Delthea said as she put her elbow  onto Y/N's shoulder.Y/N had a crush on him and delthea knew since y'know they are friends.

"Uhm, not really anything important." Y/N sighed and turned away.

"Is it Alm? 'Cause I'll injure him horribly if he's doing something to you, you're like a sister to me, and as non related sisters we got each others backs.Riiiight? " Delthea Replied, gaining a smile from Y/N.

"Well you get no help with me with Clive, Mathilda is scary..." Y/N shivered at the thought.

"Shush! Enough about me for once I know I'm great and all but this week it's you! "

"Then what're we doing? We're heading to my home village soon." Commented Y/N.

"Then we have to hurry and make Alm fall in love with you, okay? "

"WHAT?! " Y/N screamed blood rushing to her face as Alm turned over to the two girls.

"Um..Y/N? You...okay? " He asked the girl.


"Do you want to talk about it later? "

"SHE DOES! " Screeched delthea as she pushed Y/N to Alm.

"Oh um...why? " Alm smiled but it was forced, it didn't feel good or bad since I could see a small part of his cheek turning red.

Y/N's Point Of View

My heart fluttered, I don't want it to flutter right now. "Uhm," I cleared my throat "I need to go," I  say anything.

"Y/N? " Alm spoke, his voice cracked I tried not to smile but I was still hesitant if I should I'll leave or not.I took a deep breath and turned around."You can stay! I mean only if you want too—" I just responded with a nod and cracked a smile.

"Sure I was lying about I needing to go" , I lied.I mean it's just a tiny lie.

"It's fine," He chuckled and grabbed me by the arm.We talked for about an hour or two, in the middle Delthea left or you could say snuck away.Every now and then I shook my hands furiously out of habit."Are your hands okay? You been doing that a lot," He asked, I felt my heart flutter again like it was a butterfly on sugar.

"I— ahem, I'm fine, don't worry, it's just a habit, hard to get rid of." I sighed shaking my hands again, he yawned.

"Alright, well I'm off to bed, you get some sleep too okay! " He said sleepily,I nodded and smiled and proceeded to part ways with him.I couldn't keep the promise.I couldn't fall asleep with my feeling in my stomach plus I'm just sleeping IN A CASTLE NO BIG DEAL.I could just yell,but I can't.Instead I wrote a letter to myself, well I wrote in a diary.I like to write in diaries so if I do forget what happened I can know every detail.We stayed in the castle, but we're only going to stay for two more days so we all could get ready for the weather that awaits us in Rigel.I yawned as I dipped the feather into the ink once again,once I was done I noticed I wrote Alm a lotshook my hand again out of frustration for writing for so long.I ended up sleeping on the chair and my head on the desk.To my amusement I woke up on the bed."Odd I swear I was on the chair" , I yawned as I got ready for the day and brushed my hair.I went towards the kitchen, I saw Alm and gray talking to each other but Alm looked flustered and his hair looked like fire.

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