Niles X Reader

539 12 14

Requested by, @sabah_0009

Side note- the reader has a case of anxiety.

Y/N was so used to just their siblings that they forgot how to be around strangers. Every time they would panic and tremble in the sight of others. Niles being Niles decided to tease them.

"Now now, what have I found here? " Niles said licking his lips. Y/N looked at him and waved goodbye trying to leave before they really started to get scared, their heartbeat was going rapidly fast. "Oh c'mon I won't hurt you, even if your guard dogs aren't here." Niles said, still smirking. Y/N tried to find one of their siblings but it was no use. Their palms were sweaty.

"I-I.. um.. you see.. " Y/N trailed on she fidgeted with their fingers. Niles could see their panic.

"Oh look at the time! I must be going! Ta ta! " Niles said leaving them. Y/N let a heavy sigh out and hurried to find their siblings once again.

Niles was looking for his liege in the library and no surprise he was there. "Lord Leo, I have a question on your sibling. " Niles stated.

"Which one? " Leo asked closing his book.

" Y/N. " Niles answered. Leo let out a sigh.

"They're very stressful around others. Don't bother them unless I or Xander, Camilla, or Elise are there. Got it? " Leo commanded.

"Aye capn' " Niles teased, Leo rolled his eye and opened up his book once again. Niles walked out of the room to interrogate the other royals about their dear sister. All of them threatened him. A week later in the battlefield Y/N was by themself when a faceless was just about to pounce on them . Niles rushed over and shot a arrow at the faceless to gain its attention. Y/N looked over and sprinted towards the faceless, killed it and ran away further in the battle field. "what?? "

Weeks later Niles started to notice Y/N looking at him with a worried face all the time, he couldn't tell what they were thinking at all. One day he was just walking through the hallway and spotted Leo and Y/N talking. He hid behind the wall and eavesdropped. Y/N seemed more at ease with Leo. Not panicking, sweating, or running away from him at all.

"Is that what you been doing behind our backs? " Leo asked , they nodded.

"I think I may be in love Leo.. but I'm scared... if he would only like me because I'm of royalty, or he doesn't like me since I'm so useless.. I can't stop thinking about all the scenarios Leo. So I thought you're smart so you mind have a solution! " Y/N exclaimed. Leo was pleased with their praise so he was ready to help.

"Interesting " ,Niles mumbled to himself.

"I think you'll be fine , you are very beautiful, I'm sure he'll love you back. If not I'll deal with it. " Leo replied

"Leo no! That'll make me feel worse! " Y/N said

"Then if you don't have any courage I'll ask him what he feels about you tonight. " Leo announced. "So any courage? " Leo asked, Y/N shook their head.

"Please don't make it obvious Leo! I don't want him to think I'm desperate.. " Y/N exclaimed.

"Alright, I'll see you later. " Leo told her as they headed off into different directions. Niles left satisfied with this new information. So once the sun was not visible anymore he followed his lord to see who his lord's sibling loved. He watched as his lord looked all over until he bumped into Odin. "Odin, I have something to ask you. " Leo told his other retainer.

"Odin? That's unexpected.. " Niles mumbled to himself.

"Wait is it my liege! " Odin answered him along with a dramatic pose.

"Can you find Niles, I need to speak to him. " Leo demanded.

"Oooh~ " Niles mumbled again.

"As you say my lord! I'll find him before— "

"Yes yes, now let's find the devil himself. " Leo said, Niles widened his eyes. Him? He went to the mess hall to wait for his pal to find him.

"Niles, our liege has summoned you! " Odin exclaimed.

"Oh really? I'll find him then, " Niles replied, Odin nodded to go talk to Laslow. Niles went over to Leo's quarters.

"Niles, I want to ask you something, " Leo started. "What do you think of my siblings"

"Why my lord? " Niles replied.

"Well I was just wondering. " Leo answered his retainer.

"Mmm, Y/N is sure a beauty. " Niles responded.

"Ah..." Leo said noting it down in his head. The very next day Y/N had approached him, she was nervous for sure.

"What do I see with my little eye? " Niles said, teasing Y/N once again. They turned bright red, they went up to approach him but Niles couldn't wait, " Y/N would you like me to comfort you? " Niles asked in a teasingly tone. They were hesitant but nodded. Niles wrapped his arms around them.

"Did you know...? " Y/N asked the white haired man. He only smiled.

"I have no idea what your talking about dear, " Niles answered.

"D-Dear?! So you heard me and Leo?! Oh gods! I'm sorry! " Y/N exclaimed trying to get out of Niles' embrace.

"Calm down and maybe you'll be able to confess one day. " Niles teased them. They were nervous before but his warmth did calm them down. Maybe they can talk to others without becoming a mess.

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