Niles X Reader

776 13 2

Art by tumblr user, casanovakevin

Requested by: @Joske27

This chapter is for either genders since Niles is bisexual, at least I'm pretty sure he is.

"Hey~ " Niles whispered right next to Y/N's ear,

"GUH! " Y/N yelled in response, covering their ear. "Niles! You scared me half to death! " Y/N told him, which Niles had just kept his usual smirk.

"Ahh, Sorry Sorry, you're so just so easy to tease than others, " Niles said blowing his breath at Y/N's nape,

"AhH! " Y/N Yelled, "I-I need to talk to Xander about battle strategies, good bye Niles. " Y/N announced, they hurried over holding their neck. "Why do I have to be so sensitive,, " Y/N mumbled to themselves, as they continued to walk to the meeting. Once they got there they stood in the middle and was spacing out,

"Y/N your opinion on this strategy? " Xander asked firmly, still not listening.

"Y/N! " Leo said in a loud strict voice,

"A-Ah! What brother? " Y/N replied trying to seem composed.

"May you answer Xander's question? " Leo asked Y/N, narrowing his eyebrows.

"Ahh.. I didn't understand, c-could you repeat that again? " Y/N said trying to make an excuse, but everyone knew they were spacing out, but definitely not about Niles. Once the meeting ended and they finally came up with a decision Y/N was aloud to leave, they instantly let out a sigh of relief once getting out of the area.

"Hmm? Our commander sighing at this time of day? " Niles questioned with the same smug smirk on his face.

"I-I, Ahh.. need to go uh, you know,,, go to the mess hall! Yes I promised to meet with someone there! " Y/N lied, Niles didn't buy it for one bit, but thought this was going to be entertaining.

"May I tag along~? " Niles asked the young lord, Niles knew they wouldn't reject him today.

"I-I don't see why not, " Y/N responded, the two walked to the mess hall as Y/N made an excuse to hurry on ahead. The only person they saw was Odin, "psst! Odin, hurry! " Y/N said, as Odin turned his attention from Laslow to Y/N,

"What bothers you dragon of Justice?! " Odin asked them, Y/N quickly sat down and explained the situation.

"Are you sure you just like hi—" Laslow was about to say until Y/N covered his mouth,

"Shush! He could've heard that lover boy! " Y/N commented as Odin cheered up Laslow's small confidence. Once Niles got in Y/N waved at him as Niles smirked,

"So why couldn't you tell me you were meeting up with these two? " Niles questioned Y/N's logic once again,

"They wanted it to be a grand surprise meant for the ages! " Odin announced, Y/N and Laslow looked at him with disappointing looks then looked at Niles,

"Alright then, I guess someone like Odin would want something like that. " Niles said playing along, He then sat down right next to Y/N, brushing his arm against theirs. Y/N couldn't focus at all that day.

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