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Y/N always loved the people she knew since childhood.Jakob was no acceptation, she would always be near him and hugging him whenever possible.Of course he enjoyed every moment she got near him, he was never tired of the adrenaline kicking in when she woke up to have his own made breakfast and greet him with a hug or a nice warm smile. Gods he was hopelessly in love with the princess.It was obvious, Y/N had thought about it but she thought she was acting too self centered.Camilla and him would fight over who she loves more but Camilla won in the long run because of being her elder sibling.Jakob was a bit rougher that day with Y/N for once he raised his voice when speaking but that was all.

"Jakob!" Y/N said as she hugged Jakob from behind,

"Mi-lady?!" He squeaked as she snuggled her nose on his back leaving him to have a nice little invisible warm knife cut through his heart as he gulped while holding a tray of food for the dinner table.

"Jakob!Jakob!" She egged him on as she kept repeating his name, holding on to his waist tight, he didn't dislike it, he loved it."Guess what?"

"W-What" . He stuttered trying to remain his composure.

"I got new armor~ and it's nohrian based!" She said in a sing song tone.She let go waiting for him to turn around, once he did he twirled around like she was fan in the wind.He looked up and down, his face heated with shades of red on his soft pale skin.Y/N's hair complemented the armor with its nice shades of dark colors while showing some attention to her bottom quarters.She did a pose but not a suggestive one at all, but still made him fall in love with her all over again.

"I-It's..Uhm" , he cleared his throat "quite revealing.", Camilla knew this for a fact, so she wanted her baby sister to show off a bit to the male splicers but didn't intend for Jakob to be the first heart struck by it.The two looked at each other with nervous expressions, both a tad positive and just plainly in love.Jakob cleared his throat once again,"Do you wish me to accompany you to your room?" He asked her as she snapped out of her fantasies.

"O-Oh, yes, of course!" She grabbed his hand.It reminded her when she first met him, she would hold his hand and smile brightly from what she had caught on her tiny hand.Y/N laughed softly and made her grip on his hand a bit tighter. Camilla saw them together and smiled to herself as Jakob was in heaven as he moved to Y/N's quarters. It was silent, not an awkward silence but more of a warm and calming silence.

It's short again maybe I'm just running out of inspiration??¿¿??¿

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