I know you missed me-

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I know I didn't do much on my, My Hero Academia oneshots,, because I was a bit sick so I cheered myself up with crunchyroll,,(Almost done with Assassination classroom Nagisa is Best boy and girl ;))),, next is Magus Bride,, or March comes in like a lion. )

Anyways,, Requests are back!! Yay!! For at this moment I publish this,,, but check the description before doing so please!

Anyways it's going to be like how I usually do it but perhaps even like x 3 more slower,,, Male robin X Reader is being worked on as the date this is published( March 4th 2018 ),, so I can't exactly focus on mainly fire emblem but I might focus on one thing like for example,,

Let's say I'm in a creative rush for a week or two for mainly Fire emblem, I will not be doing a schedule, because I will mess that up in a second.

Anyways, please go check out both My Hero Academia One shots and Male Robin X reader (when that's out!)

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