A/N +Little bit huge question

859 3 14

Okay okay 200people reading this trash thanks man, at first I thought most people would only look at me like"Oh there's that dead MCD profile" but wOooOah hello fire emblem people ;> wherever you came from I'm thankful you are here though, but anyways the question is that I'm planning to make a full whole fan fiction dedicated to one XReader like how I did for the MCD fandom.The choices are;Chrom,Robin,Corrin,Alm,Berkut, and maybe more, if there are more I am more to say it on "conversations" or on the comments on here, but anyways those are the main 5 guys I will do, but once again thank you for taking the time to actually torture yourself to read this.Now I'm gonna go play echoes and tell myself I will fight Duma tower all the way but pussy out on the 3rd floor for the 27th time this week.Good day lady or man or helicopter or question mark.

Edit:New characters: Takumi, Leo, Ryoma, Xander, Alfonse, and Conrad.

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