Kaze X Reader

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Art by tumblr user garbagemage

It's super short but it's better than nothing?

Requested by: @Joske27

Y/N saw the green ninja speaking with Silas. She smiled as she watched him from afar in the mess hall. She sat next to Corrin. Corrin smirked as she watched her friend hopelessly watch Kaze. To tell the truth Y/N hasn't spoke a word to him. She was too nervous to mess things up, she rather stick with what she had at the moment.

"You've never spoken a word to him! Why not try now? " Corrin told her friend. She snapped out of her trance and looked at Corrin like she was crazy.

"But, he's talking to his friend! I can't interrupt him now! " Y/N said,

"Fine, but the next time you have the chance I'm dragging you over there. " Corrin said. " Well I need to go talk to Ryoma about the next battle, I'll see you later Y/N! " Corrin said and waved goodbye. Y/N kept staring at Kaze until Silas noticed her. Silas excused himself and pointed over to Y/N, he left with a smile. Kaze looked at Y/N and walked over to her as his friend instructed. Y/N's face became pure red. He never had walked over to her or been this close.

"You seem to watch me a lot, I'm curious why. " Kaze stated.

"W-What.. " Y/N mumbled, She imagined their first talk to be a lot more meaningful, but he is telling the truth. "I.. uh.. well I like your hair..? " Y/N excused, she wasn't lying but surely he wouldn't take that.

"Oh, well you can touch it if you want. " Kaze said, he leaned down a bit.

"I.. well.. okay. " Y/N murmured, she put her hand on his hair. It felt nice, as if she was touching grass. She soon began petting him.

"Oh. " Kaze said jumping up a bit with blush

"I-I.. Sorry.. I must had bothered you in some way. " Y/N said.

"No not at all, may I sit next to you? " Kaze asked, she nodded scooting over for him. He sat down with a smile as they chatted the night away.

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