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W/O/C=Weapon of choice
And this was requested by, duh dah duh,insert good soundtrack here. @Anigames

Everyone knew Y/N's crush on Tobin, it was so obvious it hurt, but Tobin being so clueless and focused on beating Alm he didn't notice her crush on him."Tobin!" Y/N yelled as she ran towards the young man.


"Hey Tobin~ guess what?" She said with excitement

"What is it?" Tobin questioned her as he flexed his pretend mussels, earning a quick heartbeat from Y/N unknowingly.

"We get a WHOLE day off before we head to Rigel!" She exclaimed, he smiled but already knew this.

"That sounds great, what're you doing?" He asked she blushed thinking,

'Is he asking me out oh mother of Mila please let this be the day he realizes!', "N-Nothing why?" She answered quickly

"Oh, bummer.I'm doing nothing either, I was going to ask Gray if he was doing anything." He responded,

'Of course he isn't..I got my hopes up too soon.' She sighed, Tobin panicked as in his heart he had a unknown crush on her.

"B-But we can spend it together instead!" He said making her smile with joy.


"Yes really," he replied as she hugged him tightly, he could barely breath but he liked it.After a few seconds Y/N let go happy as ever, as her crush unknowingly asked her out.

"I forgot if there's any villages near us.. is there?" She asked him and shrugged, "Maybe we should just go out into the forest?"

"We should ask if anyone else wants to come," Tobin suggested as Y/N hesitated to say anything,

"I-I um.. was hoping it could just be u-um.. y'know," she fidgeted with her hands behind her back looking towards the throne room

"Just what?" He said clueless as usual..

"us.." she whispered covering her cheeks with her hair(Sorry if you have really short hair)


"I said just us,alone." She said as blood rushed to her cheeks making them rosy red.

"O-Oh, I g-guess.." he answered her, then grabbed a bow and some arrows just in case as she went to grab her W/O/C. "Let's head out," he said slightly red himself.

"U-Um give me a moment I need to grab something!" She said as she ran somewhere.

"Aww Tobi poo is finally getting a girl" , gray teased him as welding a lightning sword.

"Shut up gray", Tobin hissed at his friend, gray just laughed and left probably to find Clair.With  Y/N she was screaming in her hands jumping and running around in pure joy.Tobin worried for the young girl he opened the door she stopped and turned around,

"AhahA..hiiii Tobin, what are you doing?" She said as she froze right there, he was smiling ear to ear trying not to laugh,

"I'm sorry but pfft--" He said as mocked her

"Hey!Its not funny!" Y/N pouted "L-let's just go!", he nodded, they decided to instead just hanged out behind the castle just in case they were called out into battle.Tobin lied down as Y/N sat down near him,Tobin let out a loud yawn,"Did you go to sleep late again?" She said turning to him,worried.

"I-I guess,"

"Tobin I told you that your family is f-- ahh!I know that's a sensitive subject I won't talk about it again!" Y/N turned away in shame and gulped.

"Oh please Y/N as long as that money is being transported to Ma' and Pa' and my siblings everything is going good." He said smiling as he tried to look cool, but instead lift his head up a bit, "don't I look cool?" He said laughing

"Yes, and very manly", Y/N complimented him as she rolled her eyes

"O-OH!R-Really?Do you mean it?!" He asked her straight in the eyes sparkling and twinkling, she smiled and nodded.The whole time he was so happy and kept flexing as Y/N went 'Ooo~ so manly'.At times they would see others but who made the biggest impression on that day was gray coming over.

"Heey Y/N" , he tried to say slyly.She rolled her eyes once again.

"Hi gray."

"How you doin' "he asked her, as Tobin just sat there watched as jealously grew.

"Perfectly fine." She answered him as Tobin was mentally killing gray.

"AhahA, gray I think you over stayed your stay here!" Tobin stood smiling while gritting his teeth

"Buut Tobi-poo you were having such a great time you forgot your girlfriend, me!" Gray joked as he winked at gray and doing a feminine pose.Y/N snorted and stood up.Both of the boys head turned to her,

"I'm sorry but sometimes you guys do act a big y'know gay for eachother!"

"No we don't!" ToBiN said

"Yes we do--" Tobin slapped grays mouth.

"No." Tobin hissed.Gray whispered something into Tobin ears laughing and then trying to whisper.Tobins face grew more like an apple by each word gray spoke.So did Y/N even though this time she didn't know what was going on she was herself.Tobin gulped his pride up.

"Ta ta~" Gray waved as he went to only the mother knows where.Tobin took a deep breath.

"Hey u-um-- Y/N y'know uh.." He struggled to find words for his sentence she fiddled with her fingers and prayed to the mother he was going to confess."W-Well y'see I really like you-- like more than a friend--like how Gray loves Clair right!" Y/N nodded scared to say anything, he nodded awkwardly as he bended down to get near her face,"I-I" he stuttered.

It hit..


And hard.

THUNK A piece of wood fell on Tobin.

You guys are lucky I fricking fracking was being a rEbEl and stayed up after the time I need to go to sleep to finish this so, this may sound cheesy and be dramatically changed later on Friday or Saturday/Sunday.

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