Eliwood X Reader

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A HOLIDAY THEMED CHAPTER FOR ONCE! I made this last minute,, I was so tired. Also the person who requested the Chrom X reader DONT WORRY! I surely will get on that once New Years is over! I just really wanted to do a Eliwood and Christmas chapter, (I been playing FE7 as well on the side so now I love everyone in FE7 especially Eliweed) BUT,


Art done by tumbler user: ennhurr , if you like FE7 art I recommend them!
Role: Summoner.

Y/N took it upon herself to wrap the presents for everyone, and reliever the presents to everyone. Eliwood didn't want her to have to deal with such a large load by herself so he went to help her himself.Eliwood popped his head inside of a room, she was there wrapping presents for the heroes. There were stacks upon stacks of boxes. He knocked on the door and walked in.

"Hello Y/N, I don't mean to intrude. " Eliwood announced himself, she jumped a bit and looked at him red faced.

"O-Oh! Hello lord Eliwood! I didn't notice you there! And don't worry about it I was just wrapping presents anyways." Y/N replied, she stood up with a smile. "So what do you need my lord? " Y/N asked him. Eliwood was a young man himself so being alone with a woman made his heart ache, in his mind he thought of Y/N of someone special to him.

"I was wondering if it'd be fine if I could help you, if you don't mind. " Eliwood offered, he also wanted to hear her keep singing but that this was good too.

"Oh of course! I was going to ask someone else but your perfect for it! " Y/N exclaimed almost instantly, they both had warm smiles on their faces as they wrapped presents. Eliwood wrapped presents for Finn, Elise, Ike, Kana, Roy, Lyn, Hector, and many others. He noticed that none of the presents had his name, not that he wanted anything it was just odd to him. He brushed it off and kept wrapping more presents. He focused extremely hard when he was wrapping Hector, Lyn, and Roy's presents. In the middle of it Y/N put a bow on top of his head. Which made him jump, followed by a giggle from Y/N.

"Oh gods, that gave me a fright! " Eliwood told her with a pouty face she couldn't resist.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry! But you look so cute now! " Y/N added.
"Cute? No, that would be reserved for someone like yourself lady Y/N, " Eliwood said and faxed her. Y/N's face red as hell. Her heart beating crazy.

"I-I'm going to take a break, I'll be back my lord, I promise." Y/N told him walking out of the room red faced. Eliwood smiled and wrapped most of the rest of the presents before she came back, he was severely tired. It was evening, Eliwood waited for Y/N to show up in the room. Soon she did, with Santa outfits for the two of them.

"Welcome back, but,what're those for? " Eliwood asked her.

"If we get caught handing in presents we'll wear these! Cecilia gave them to me! " Y/N explained. Eliwood looked at his, it was a standard Santa outfit but Y/N's was.. revealing to say the least. Her chest and some of her legs would be exposed. Eliwood cleared his throat.

"There's still some presents to be wrapped, I suppose we'll work on them now. " Eliwood told her.

"I didn't even notice! Eliwood you wrapped almost all of the presents! Thank you so much! " Y/N thanked him, it made him feel good.

"It's nothing.. I just wanted for you to have a break without worries. " Eliwood explained to her, she widened her eyes and blushed a bit.

"G-Got it. Let's get the rest done then! " Y/N demanded as they started to wrap the remaining few. They got done quickly since there wasn't that much left. "Alright, put on your outfit lord Eliwood! I'll go change in my room! No one should be awake during these hours! " Y/N informed him.

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