Ryoma X Reader

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Requested by, @pcynation

Y/N, a female coming from a highly respected noble family, she was a extremely skilled Basara, even though she barely uses magic. Her family had thrown her in the war. Besides her elder brother was going to take over their riches anyways.(if you don't have an older brother, now you do.) It didn't matter to her, she had nothing else to do. Once she was called out she saw Corrin speaking to Ryoma. Ryoma peeked over and saw the female, he waved at her and chuckled. Her heart thumped. She walked over to him the moment he waved.

"What is is Prince Ryoma? " Y/N asked the lord.

"Me and Corrin have been speaking about your skills on the battlefield. When I saw you fight I could tell instantly you are indeed powerful with that lance of yours. " Ryoma complemented her, Y/N averted her eyes for a moment and then looked at the male once again.

"I personally think I'm as good as a fighter as anyone. " Y/N added, Corrin and Ryoma laughed.

"Nonsense! I've seen you fight! I'm sure Corrin knows a lot about it! " Ryoma spoke. 'Prince Ryoma complemented me, wonderful.. ' Y/N thought to herself.

"Ever since you joined us Y/N I've been able to carry out orders without worry! I really am grateful! " Corrin added, she looked up to the albino male, his words definitely were nice but Ryoma's could give Y/N the strength of the whole army.

"Thank you.. Prince Ryoma And Prince Corrin.. I must take my leave now. " Y/N thanked the two and turned away back to the mess hall. She heard Corrin do a small chuckle and leave. She turned around to see what was happening out of curiosity but instead she saw Ryoma heading towards her. Her heart racing once again, 'Gods.. will my heart ever take a break? ' she thought as she faced the male.

"I wanted to spar with you Y/N. From what I hear I'd love to face you myself. " Ryoma offered, Y/N smiled a bit.

"Of course, but let me go grab a lance at least. " She answered heading over to grab a weapon.

"I don't wish to hurt you too bad so I'll accompany you. " Ryoma said, she nodded as they headed over to grab their weapons. It was extremely awkward. Usually there was another person with them, but for now it was just them, and Y/N had nothing to say, neither did Ryoma. 'Well this is awkward. ' Y/N thought to herself, she took a quick glance at the tall male, he was staring at her as well, she turned straight quickly. "Y/N, I'm sure you would be popular if you would talk more often. " Ryoma commented. "Not that your hated or anything, it's just that.. you're very.. beautiful and strong in combat. Any man with a brain could see that. " Ryoma added. There it is, the bomb. Y/N's head was celebrating, fireworks everywhere, 'thank you brother for kicking me out.. ' She thanked him in her mind.

"Then what about you Ryoma, would you fancy me? " Y/N bluntly asked. Ryoma turned a bit red. ' oh gods I made a mistake. ' She thought as she mentally stabbed herself.

"You could say I do.. " Ryoma admitted. Y/N froze. 'What what what '

"W-What do you mean? " Y/N asked the lobster lord.(it had to happen) Ryoma ran into the inventory and threw out a iron lance.

"Best me in combat and I'll tell you. " Ryoma offered. Y/N stood there blank.

"Alright.. " She replied. 'Damn I really wanted to know.. hopefully I can beat him.. ' Y/N thought as she went over to grab the lance. Ryoma saw her troubled expression and readied himself.

(Time skip after the fight because I can't right fight scenes. )

"Wheeew! " Ryoma let out as he stood up, sweating and panting. "Looks like I win. " Ryoma announced.

"I suppose.. " Y/N responded. 'Damn it. ' he then plopped down next to her.

"I'll tell you. " Ryoma said as the sunset started to take place in the sky.

"But you won fa—"

"I was planning to either way, sooner or later. " Ryoma told her, his cheeks with a tint of red flared the girl's heart.

"O-Oh.. " Y/N mumbled and fiddled with her thumbs once again. Ryoma put down his sword and wiped his sweat of his forehead.

"Y/N you really are a unique woman. " Ryoma commented.

"Is that a insult or complement..? " Y/N questioned, Ryoma turned to her and panicked

"Complement! Did I come off rude..? " Ryoma asked her, she shook head as she stared at the ground, her face burning. "Well then, to answer your question.. I guess I'm interested in you when I saw you fight. You fight good. " Ryoma said.

"You fight good too Prince Ryoma... " Y/N replied.

"No need for the Prince, just Ryoma. " Ryoma told her.

"Alright.. Pri.. Ryoma. " Y/N spoke. Ryoma let out a small chuckle. As the sunset slowly disappeared, leaving the moon in the sky. "We should rest now.. I'll see you tomorrow then.. Ryoma. " Y/N told him, they waved as Y/N scurried back to her room. Leaving Ryoma on the ground staring at her hurry back to her room. He got up and proceeded to go to Corrin's room. He knocked on his brother's door, soon the albino prince opened the door.

"What do you need Ryoma? " Corrin asked the taller man.

"I was wondering if me and Y/N could fight side by side in the next coming up battle, if it's okay. " Ryoma asked him.

"Of course! I'm sure you two will be stellar together, but I need to sleep first. So good night.. " Corrin answered and then closed the door.

"O-Oh! And thank you! " Ryoma thanked his younger sibling and went to his own room.

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